Thursday, December 01, 2022

Snow Business


Yesterday was pretty much a snow-moving day for me and a whole lotta other folks.  

Not so "slow" moving but definitely continual moving of the white stuff. 

I told Bill this morning it was fortunate that we had light snow as opposed to wet and heavy. 

Still, it didn't stop around here until sometime last evening.

I plowed the driveway, lane and barn area twice. I also opened up some places in the barnyard for the horses. 

I also shoveled paths.

When Bill came home, he pulled out the snowblower and blew away another four or five-inch drop of snow. 

Happily, this morning, walking was easy, making chores much easier. 

With all that snow, the paper eventually arrived and later, the mail.  I knew we'd get our mail because, by gum, those tax bills were on their way.

Nothing soothes a weary snow-removing, wet and soggy and cold soul quite like a property tax bill sitting inside a snowy mailbox. 

I waited until arriving at the house and taking off my wet gloves before opening the envelope. 


I believe the upcoming payment amounts to $600 more than last year.  

Thank God for Gov. Little and his generous non-Socialist hand-out from Idaho's coffers.   

But wait!  

We paid for our hog half with that check!

Nope, it's a big lump more of what they've been calling inflation for the past year. 

Our property has inflated, even if the fences are in need of repair and the house siding has holes in it and I've been putting back portions of rotted wood on my decorative flower boxes for the past year or so.

Cosmetics, yes! Substance no.  Every time I bump into the flower box on the south end of the deck, that same portion of board falls off.  Thankfully, it fits back into its groove and stays there until the next hit. 

Anywho, we knew, even if they told us not to worry when we got our property tax values last summer that the tax increase wouldn't be that steep. 

I guess we're going to have to get back to earning an agricultural exemption, and Bridie gave me just the idea last night when I made my final trip out to put the horses in the barn.

We've been thinking Bridie was pretty trustworthy these days, 'cept for an occasional toilet paper shredding, much like my friend Ruthann's cat. 

Silly me.  

I did not put Bridie in her crate during my absence. She also looked innocent enough when I returned to the house, and I was pleased.

  No shredded paper in her usual spot by the sliding glass door where she brings underwear, socks and whatever else she can steal. 

 I had made it to the barn and back with no incidents OR so I thought until turning around and seeing the hamburger patties which had been simmering on low on the stove. 

Welcome to Bridie Burgers. 

Apparently, the low setting on the stove did not deter her from having a burger-scraping session. 

Unique and artistic with a little slimy dog saliva mixed in----this new approach to burgers could go viral. 

All we need to do is get a couple of steers, fatten them up, have them made into hamburger over at Wood's. 

Then, take those burgers, put 'em on the stove, leave the house with Bridie inside and let her do her handiwork.  Then, package and sell, maybe even from a little "we trust you" shed at the end of the driveway. 

Far-fetched? Crazy?

 Maybe, but one has to be creative to afford to live on a farm and pay those taxes these days. 

And, so, yesterday involved a day-long workout and a jaw-dropping deposit in the mail box. 

Today, as I look out the window, it is once again snowing, but the good news is we've made it through the worst of it---for this particular weather alert.

One weather alert down, who knows how many to go. 

I do know, however, that Bridie probably hasn't yet crossed the threshold of total trust and she'll be doing some more crate time before dinner. 

As far as the property taxes, the check will go in the mail today and we probably need to get creative about our farm use. 

Happy Thursday. 


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