Thursday, February 02, 2023

TBT's, Et. Al.

The best thing about Ground Hog Day and Thursday Throwbacks landing on the same day?  

In my case, I can offset the seemingly redundant depressing message of Punksutawny Phil by reviving redundant photos of lovely summer color. 

At least, that's gonna be my fix today, as if we're surprised that once again we'll have six more weeks of winter. 

So pardon my self-indulgence of bright and colorful flowers which all bloomed in yesteryear. 

Finding each photo in my library made my day, inspiring me me to put even more seeds in the pots and try my darndest to replicate some of these scenes. 

When I read the morning paper, I found some pleasing antidotes to the winter blahs and the verbal blah, blah, blahs of politicians. 

The first just made me smile.  There on the front page halfway above the fold, and below, of course, was a photo of our lovely daughter-in-law Debbie.

Twas a bit groundhoggish cuz some of the news within the story has been printed before, but the news was that $600 had been donated to the Bonner Community Food Bank to honor her as a Human of Idaho. 

Debbie, in our Love and extended family minds, is also a Human for All Seasons.

If we ever need a pick-me-up, there's always Debbie with her caring, soft heart, warmth and soothing sense of humor. 

I think a lot of other people feel the same way. 

The second item that made me feel really good after learning about that groundhog's 2023 prediction came in the form of commentary.

My friend and journalist extraordinaire Mindy Cameron wrote a column about the importance of continued financial support for public education. 

As usual for Mindy, former editorial page editor at the Seattle Times and prominent supporter of local public schools,  the piece was superb.  

She points out the historical impact, the Constitutional responsibility and reminders of how public education--both in the classroom and out--continually affects the general population in productive and positive ways. 

Makes me feel really good, as a product of public education and as a former public educator to see eloquent, informed voices, like Mindy's and Luke Mayville's rise up to remind constituents of the importance of supporting our public schools. 

Thanks, Mindy. And, every day, thanks to Luke who works tirelessly for the people of Idaho.

And, who couldn't just smile while reading the story about our family friends, Jim and Virginia Wood, who celebrated 75 years of marriage last month. 

It was fun to read the paragraph about their attending the Gold Creek School because my stepdad's mother Iva Tibbs was their teacher. Virginia once told me that she had Mrs. Tibbs from the fourth to the eighth grade. 

Congratulations, Jim and Virginia. Amazing!

As if that's not enough positive ammunition to counter Phil's dismal forecast, it's also GAME DAY

Both Gonzaga's and Sandpoint's Bulldogs play tonight. Willie's girls varsity will host Kellogg at 6 p.m. while the ZAGS host Santa Clara in the Kennel at 8 p.m. PST.

The ZAGS can be seen on CBS Sports, Channel 158. 

And, so, Phil, glad you once again had a nice time dashing our hopes for an early spring with your annual prediction. 

We have heard this same story enough times to find ways to avoid the disappointment, and when they come in the form of all of the above, along with pretty flowers, we can soldier on for the next six weeks. 

Happy Thursday.     

1 comment:

Ruth Dickens said...

You have so many interesting stories from the Daily Bee. I always love reading the Bee when we visit the Bode/Dickens family! Thanks for including these articles.
The article about public school funding could have been written about AZ lawmakers! We have the same issue here! As a graduate of a Catholic school (as was my husband), I appreciate the sacrifices that our parents made to provide transportation, tuition, books, etc. to make that happen. They did not consider it their right to lobby for public funding. Our church communities did provide some assistance for the students whose families could not afford to pay tuition.
I congratulate your daughter-in-law for the stellar job she is doing at the Food Bank! It is such a blessing to have someone who has a caring heart managing the much needed service!
And the article honoring the Woods for their 75 year marriage dedication to and raising such a large family!
It is a pleasure to be able to connect with you, your family, and my family over the years! Thank you!