Let's talk about the weather.
After all, one of the guiding rules for writing is to write what you know about.
Yesterday we received a complete refresher course in the crazy behavior of weather.
We study the weather a lot during this time of year because we want to know when it's going to change and we can talk about a new subject.
Well, that's apparently not going to happen soon.
Yesterday was a blend of the "if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes" with "whatever it does weatherwise, it does a lot."
I plowed twice, each time thinking the "one inch" of snow forecast on the radio was gonna stop sometime.
That one inch, along with a few of its friends, kept falling all day long.
Yes, we had the full-meal deal in Mother Nature's offerings.
I don't think anyone around here is ever gonna forget that sudden surprise blast of extra-large blizzard that blew in around 5 p.m., just moments after I had taken the pictures just above and just below this text.
No warning. Just suddenly there, disordering the world outside. I was glad my animals were all inside.
Stuff was banging, limbs were bending, leaves were flying, semi-darkness set in and then white-outs.
Twas impressive, to say the least.
Anywho, two plowings and all that snow later, things have settled down, and I'll simply whisper maybe we've seen the worst of winter and maybe just maybe we can at least fantasize about spring.
Don't tell anyone I said that, lest we get jinxed into another winter blowout.
The good news of yesterday: birds kept some entertainment going at the feeder.
We have a bird that has been hanging around here the past few days. Yesterday I saw it often enough to notice that it hangs with two flickers.
I also saw it out foraging in the hay near the horses.
Like the flickers, this bird is a bit shy, flitting off the minute it sees motion, so I wasn't able to get a good picture.
If anyone has any idea what this bird is, Bill and I would both love to know. It has lots of speckles, that notable beak and it's somewhat brown in color.
In the meantime, we'll do what we always do--- try to make the best of it and move on.
I'm really ready for a new subject.
Happy Friday.
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