Friday, April 07, 2023

Out and About


Lots going on as Easter weekend begins. I'll be keeping it pretty light blog-wise the next few days. 

So, just some photos from the last couple of days around the neighborhood and the place. 

Leaf mulching is just about complete.  

Grass is turning green, but it has a long ways to go before matching up with the "Ireland and Peg's Cottage" photo below. 

Betcha can pick that one out of the group. 

We do have a period of time with stunning fields and lawns of green like the Emerald Isle---maybe in a couple of weeks. 

Besides mulching and raking, my annual painting project began yesterday. Half a section of board fence has a new coat, and when that grass turns green, the contrast will be lovely. 

In the greenhouse, a couple of rows of radishes have popped up, as have a few cucumbers. 

It's nice to go out there every day and see the plants almost thriving.  Once they're fully acclimated, they ought to really take off. 

Below, you'll also see our resident kildeer.  I think they're much prettier on the green grass, and I do wonder what the attraction in the barnyard mud was. 

And, you'll see some shots of CB during time spent out of the barnyard and without his winter blanket. 

As I told Marlo, in a couple of weeks, his coat should be stunning,  just like the green grass. 

Moving on and upward in the beauty department and loving spring alongwith the brilliant morning sunrises. 

Happy Friday, and Happy Birthday to my sister Laurie. 

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