As I wrote to Daily Bee feature writer Sammy Berryman this morning, when you watch a kid from Day One, see them find their course, hit a few potholes but resiliently trudge onward toward success in their own dreams or by inspiring others, there is no finer reward as parents.
We've had the opportunity this week to watch both of our kids, Willie and Annie, do just that in their individual circles.
This is a magical bubble we, as a family, have all been enjoying for both Willie with his honorary doctorate and for Annie as she completed a fourth and most rigorous 200-plus walk on the Camino de Santiago.
As my older brother Mike said to me earlier this week, this kind of stuff doesn't happen in a vacuum.
It comes from hard work, determination, inspiration from others and remaining on course.
We feel blessed.
Thanks, Sammy, for this wonderful story about "Dr. Love," and special thanks to all the members of the "world village" who have inspired these two all throughout their lives.
Such photogenic cows.
I almost always stop to snap a picture or two when they hang out in their field next to Center Valley Road.
I actually think they like to pose for me.
Here at the Lovestead, "the cows came home" next door yesterday as Bert and Liz Wood introduced a small herd to their summer pasture at the Meserve Preserve.
"Moo" On over next door!
Let me tell you about Lori.
She's one of my former students.
Lori comes from an amazing farm family. If I recall correctly, her grandfather Art Jasman introduced round balers to Bonner County.
Lori knows farming and loves all aspects of it, including haying, taking care of animals and, yes, spraying weeds.
She also drives school bus for West Bonner County School District AND she has even substituted as a teacher a couple of times this past year.
I told her yesterday that she should really consider getting her teaching credentials because she is one smart cookie.
No pun intended. Her dog's name is Cookie.
Bill and I enjoyed a delightful afternoon with Lori yesterday as she brought her rigs and her equipment to spray the weeds in our fields.
In between, we did a lot of visiting as Cookie relaxed on the grass and patiently listened to those adult humans cover a gazillion subjects.
Granted, the love of living on a farm helps generate some easy conversation and mutual appreciation for whatever's on everyone's mind.
Today, both Bill and I are thinking back on the enjoyable time spent with Lori and appreciating her help in keeping our place as weed free as possible.
And, I do hope she pursues the possibility of becoming a teacher. She's an avid learner who figures learning for herself about pretty much anything is the major ingredient for trying to teach it to someone else.
Indeed, Lori has the first rule of education mastered.
Thanks, Lori. We really enjoyed yours and Cookie's visit.
To all others, Happy Sunday.
Ate my first 'mater on May 27, 2023.
Amazing year for North Idaho gardening.
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