As some locals from the Selle Valley already know, Liam, on the left, disappeared the night before last.
He was missing for about three hours but suddenly appeared near the barn.
His disappearance followed a surprise afternoon thunder and lightning storm. Figuring the dogs would stay inside their shelter, I left them in the run during the brief storm.
Later, when the sun came back out, I released them from the run and figured they'd do their running around and keeping track of the horses while I went inside and made a telephone call.
When the call ended, I went back outside and discovered that Liam was not to be found.
Both Bill and I scurried around in various vehicles, both in the neighborhood and around the place, calling and looking for Liam.
We had concluded that the thunderstorm preceded by a series of Fourth of July fireworks sessions had done a number on Liam, who, this year has acquired a definite fear for the loud noises.
We still do not know where he went during that time, but we were thrilled and relieved to see him back home and safe.
We'll be keeping a closer eye on him when he's outside, not in the run and hoping for no more surprise thunderstorms.
Last night, while Bill attended a meeting, I loaded up all three dogs and took a spin around some of our neighborhoods---with camera, of course.
I was expecting to hear a lot of pathetic crying and barking from Liam who has always been loud in the car, especially whenever the car slows down and stops or when we turn around somewhere.
This has been a lifetime quirk of his, and so we don't always take him for rides. Last night, however, Liam never made a peep.
Not one.
I don't know if there's a correlation between the loud thunderstorms and fireworks and Liam's vocal protests, but something has changed.
Maybe Liam has connected with the fact that he doesn't like loud sounds so maybe he shouldn't make them himself.
Whatever the case, it was a fine and pleasant drive with all three beloveds aboard and some serene and lovely country scenes.
We'll have to try this again and see if the newly minted quiet Liam will continue.
Twould be nice.
A beautiful day after a comparatively gloomy lull in summer weather lies ahead.
And, our barnyard shelter repair will be completed today.
Pictures of Richard's completed handiwork tomorrow.
Happy Wednesday.
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