Monday, July 31, 2023

Good Bye, July

The first item I read this morning talked about macaroni and cheese.  

Instant craving set in, and it was only 5:15 a.m.

I think I could enjoy mac n' cheese any time of the day.

And, a LOT of it. 

Like spaghetti, it's one of those dishes where a light helping won't satisfy many of us gluttons, especially if there's more available. 

I have a difficult time deciding when enough is enough. 

It goes down easy, and it tastes so good. 

Comfort food, they call it---probably because it's so easy to gorge on mac 'n cheese.

I had no idea, until reading the article in the link above, that the dish has such an interesting history and that it is beloved at all socioeconomic levels. 

Another comfort combination of cuisine that seemed just right yesterday afternoon:  hamburgers, chips and 'tater salad. 

Add some watermelon, fresh mini 'maters and some cantaloupe slices.

After you've let that digest a while, try a huckleberry sundae.

We local family members enjoyed the comforts of the deck and the menu above. We also enjoyed some great visiting. 

It seemed like a good time to have a barbecue, and it seemed that everyone was glad to get together. 

We're reaching another transition of summer with comments like "the hay's in" and "school sports sign-up begins next week. 

Yup, all the sudden, that calendar seems to be turning over fast to go along with increasing amounts of early morning and earlier evening darkness. 

This always elicits the wonderment of "Where has the summer gone?"

Lawns are drying up, and the landscape is turning dirty.  Thoughts of mowing just to clean the area are not too welcome these days as heavy coatings of dust create a gritty look on everything located near the road. 

And, to mow lawn in those areas definitely leads to a shedding of clothes and a trip to the shower. 

In the midst of all this, the garden is still growing and yet to produce some sweet corn and bigger potatoes. 

Garry, out there in the pumpkin patch, continues to expand every day as does the patch of prickly leaves and yellow blossoms. 

I was kinda hoping the pumpkin would eventually extend clear across the lawn west of the barn.  Maybe it will happen. 

In the meantime, I'm back to working on a story for Sandpoint Magazine's WINTER edition.  

The world continues to turn, and we all try to stay aboad toiling, playing, enjoying and maintaining the important and mundane aspects of life. 

On this Monday morning, Bill is taking the gray pickup in for servicing, and I'll do my watering and start picking some plums. 

It's Monday, it's the end of one month and it's, as usual, a mystery where this week and the new month will take us. 

Such is life on a summer day, and I'm enjoying the ride.  

Happy Monday.  

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