Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Great Fourth


I can't really pick my favorite highlights of our Lovestead Fourth of July celebration, but I do know, from the photos, that we had an enjoyable time from start to finish. 

It had been a while since Willie and Debbie's friends Andrew, Alicia and Emma from Seattle had celebrated Independence with us so their presence yesterday added a special touch. 

Emma is now 9 and still very intellectually curious, so it was fun to have our flycatcher birds hanging around to entertain and to educate the humans on the deck. 

Throughout the barbecue and clear through dessert, the pair of birds remained very active, catching their own Fourth of July feast for their kiddies in the nest under the eave. 

Like cats bringing home mice to show off, these birds seemed to enjoy sitting on the tiki torches or the planters with pride every time they caught a winged prize. 

They managed to keep us all pleasantly distracted as we visited and enjoyed yet another tasty menu of grilled meats, salad, deviled eggs, fresh berries and 'maters from the vines and a yummy strawberry shortcake. 

Emma also got to see the baby swallows poking their heads out of their home, and she led horses from their pasture to the barnyard. 

She also checked in on Sunny the cat and, along with Debbie, happily put on the Lovestead Fourth of July parade with the 4-wheeler. 

The gathering was a sheer delight, as was the day leading up to it.  Bill and I slowly organized our respective contributions to the dinner and relaxed in between. 

Foster's management skills were in full force as he kept a close watch (with his ears and nose) on all the activities. Plus, he enjoyed a few handouts. 

Twas a lovely day with fun folks, and, as always, many good memories. 

Happy Wednesday.  

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