Saturday, July 15, 2023

Saturday Slight

Bill and I joined the Young Loves and my sisters for a barbecue at Colburn last night. 

That meant we got to see Kenny, the grand pup.  Joe, the older grand pup, made an appearance but spent most of the evening circling my sister's windmill. 

Meanwhile, Kenny remained with us as the social butterfly, flitting here and there and retrieving his toy. 

My sisters' lilies were also putting on an impressive show. 

Below: just something I read this Saturday morning, for pondering. 

 Whether or not you have a proper vacation planned for the coming weeks, you could envision any coming weekend as its own two-day mini-break, programming it as you would a trip to somewhere new, with an itinerary more exciting than just “sleep as much as possible” and “mow the lawn.” 

 What do you most want to do this weekend, and whom do you want to spend time with? 

Sometimes, when we’re caught up in getting stuff done and living through the next crisis, just asking ourselves what we would like to do and then doing it can be, if not revelatory, at least a bit of a relief.

                                                   --New York Times Newsletter

I also read the story in the link below and then pondered a drive around the neighborhood a year or two ago when I noticed that many of the country stop signs have double messages. 

I guess we need mega stop signs at the entrance to Sandpoint which say:  STOP putting stickers on the STOP signs. 

If caught, you may go directly to jail without time to STOP and smell the roses.

The gentleman below was one of my colleagues and friends at Sandpoint High School. 

Johnny Nitcy passed away earlier this year after battling pancreatic cancer. 

His wife Leana asked me to post the announcement of Johnny's celebration of life. 

A good man who will be missed and remembered fondly. 

There's added fragrance in the garden now, as my sweet peas begin to bloom.

They're located close to the rosemary plants, so there's are lovely fragrances to be enjoyed.

I'm also loving the smell of dill at the other end of the garden as I pick my raspberries.  

Good smells, good scenes and some good tastes. 

This year's garden now offers great pleasure for the senses.

Happy Saturday.  Enjoy the weekend.  

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