Friday, August 11, 2023

Another Summer Friday . . . .


Let me apologize if it seems like there's overkill on sunflower photos.  

I happen to love sunflowers, and they continue to put on an artistic show like no other this year. 

I think the varieties now available have contributed to the beauty of these late summer flowers. 

It's another Friday and this month seems to be whizzing by.  

Next week is fair, fall sports have started, and I saw a 49-degree low predicted for next Sunday. 

In the meantime, we have to deal with one more heat blast next week with four or five days of highs above 90. 

I guess we'll endure and probably start griping that it's too cold. 


Some great news for Idahoans came to the in-boxes last night.

 Obstruction efforts by our state attorney general, targeting the upcoming open primary initiative ended in big fat belly flop as you'll see in the following article.


Dear Supporters of the Open Primaries Initiative, 


Today we have very good news to share.


In a major victory for the Open Primaries Initiative, the Idaho Supreme Court has rejected Attorney General Labrador’s deceptive ballot titles!


Ballot titles are official statements that summarize the purpose of a ballot measure and appear on the actual ballot on Election Day. 


Deciding unanimously, all five justices have ruled that Attorney General Labrador's titles fail to comply with Idaho law. The court has ordered Labrador to provide lawful titles within just 24 hours. 


The court has also awarded us all of our legal fees.


This is a game-changing victory for our campaign. Just 24 hours from now, we'll be ready to launch our signature drive. Will you chip in $5 or more to help us start strong?

As soon as we have the rewritten titles, we will assemble the official petition—with the new titles included—and make the petition downloadable from the Idahoans for Open Primaries coalition website. We will also work quickly to schedule in-person kick-off events in over 30 Idaho communities. 


Here's a statement issued by Bruce Newcomb, who previously served as Republican Speaker of the Idaho House of Representatives: 


“Today’s decision is a major victory for the voters of Idaho. Too many of our elected officials are handpicked by special-interest groups, not by the voters they’re supposed to serve. The Open Primaries Initiative will change that by giving all voters—regardless of party affiliation—the right to vote in primary elections.”  


Stay tuned for updates. Thank you so much for your ongoing support!


Luke Mayville

Co-Founder, Reclaim Idaho 

PS: We'll follow up soon with an opportunity to RSVP for a statewide zoom call to be held within the next few days. This call will be a chance to share thoughts and ask questions about the court's ruling and the launch of our signature drive. 

Once again, thanks to Luke for his vigilance, his perseverance and his knowledge of what's right and what's wrong.  

With Luke, we certainly have a gem of a people's advocate here in the Gem State. 

Yesterday I baked one of the chickens which I purchased last week at Selle Valley Creamery.

Tasty and tender, and we have enough left for another meal.  

BTW:  In addition to Bill and me, Foster highly approved of his handouts. 

We also had a salad with home-grown tomatoes and cucumbers, so it was definitely a delicious Selle Valley meal.

Happy Anniversary to the Young Loves:  22 years today. 

To Willie and Debbie, we hope you have a nice day of celebration. 

To everyone else:  Happy Friday. 

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