Friday, August 18, 2023

Lovestead Potpourri and Petitions!

Happy Friday to all. 

Bill is home from a day of fishing with Willie in Canada. He said they had a fun day.

 Annie was able to get an earlier flight from Seattle last night, so we enjoyed Second Avenue Pizza when we returned home.  

Foster is thrilled to have his best friend here for a visit. 


In other news, there have been enough cucumbers and dill from the garden to  process some pickles. 

I have to wait a week to see if they're any good. 

Could be some yummy hamburgers in the next few weeks. 

My home pumpkins suddenly started turning orange this week. 

Maybe that's an emotional reaction because they miss Garry who went to the fair.

Splendor in the August grass. 

Seems these two are chums. 

It's Bridie's birthday, and we couldn't be more pleased with her progress. 

She's a true farm dog, keeping track of horses, feeding on horse apples and chasing squirrels.  

She did all of the above this morning without being told. 

We love our Bridie. 

This was the sky on the way home from Spokane Airport last night.

It looked pretty ominous and my cell phone weather report suddenly predicted 90 percent chance of rain at 9 p.m.

A few drops fell, and overnight, some more ash. 

Twas a warm night, and it's been a warm morning:  71 degrees at 5 a.m.

  As the sweat rolled off my brow, I took note when I saw the comment below in the New York Times newsletter. 

Wear a fan around  your neck.  

It may look silly but it works. 

After reading the above, I looked up "fans around the neck" and found many examples.

Where have I been all these years and through all that sweat???   

I think this would have been a really good idea this week and even this morning as the day has already begun at 71. 

I may just order one for next summer. 


The Green Light on the Road to Open Primaries in Idaho 


Dear Bonner County Supporters of the Open Primaries Initiative, 


We have big news to share: The Idaho Supreme Court has officially given us the green light to start collecting signatures. We’re off to the races! 


If you can, please RSVP to join me and other campaign organizers in Sandpoint this Saturday for our signature-drive kickoff at 9am at Matchwood Brewing.


We'll meet at Matchwood Brewing at 9am to introduce the Open Primaries Initiative and give a thorough training on how to collect signatures. We’ll then split up to go door-knocking in pairs before heading back to Evans Bros to turn in petitions and debrief over a coffee.


It’s time to open the primaries and give power back to the people of Idaho. Join us on Saturday and let’s get this done! 


Thank you!


Luke Mayville

Co-Founder, Reclaim Idaho


PS: You can visit our website here to download the petition and to get directions for how to start collecting signatures! 



               Let's gitt 'er done, folks!

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