Monday, August 28, 2023

Skunked on a Sunday


At the time, I didn't know what I was thinking, buying a big jug of hydrogen peroxide. 

Coulda been it was the only one available at Co Op Country Store at the time. 

Anyway, the jug has sat out in the barn, nearly full for a couple of years. 

At some time, something broke a hole in its lid.  I think the "something" was Foster trying to get into the tack room where I had stacked up heavy stuff in front of the door to deter him from pursuing Sunny, the cat. 

Fortunately, that day, I had arrived in time to see a hydrogen peroxide lake forming and foaming next to the door and rescued the jug in time to save most of its contents. 

Well, the remaining contents came in very handy last night as part of the "recipe." 

Debbie sent me the "recipe," given to her by a vet, via text.  

She had used it before and said it worked. 

The recipe included a quart of hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup of baking soda and a few teaspoons of dish-washing soap. 

It's a recipe for removing skunk smell from dogs and maybe even people. 

We had two Border Collies who stunk like skunk. 

We're not sure when they came in contact with the skunk, but we think it was maybe in the morning when they made their way to their run and might have taken a side trip around the deck where said skunk seemed to have let off a lot of its stink. 

They were in the run all day, and we didn't really know that they stunk until two came to greet me at the car door yesterday afternoon as I returned from a drive through the neighborhood. 

Ugggghhhhhh!  Such a piercing, putrid smell. 

The dogs were oblivious to their new odor, but any time we got within feet of them, we weren't. 

So, I asked Debbie for her recipe and announced we would wait until after dinner. 

After all, we were having a few more assorted ears of corn I'd plucked from the garden stalks, brand new potatoes from a patch where hungry voles dare to go and those lovely cukes and 'maters in a salad. 

I also made meat loaf.  Bill was excited because he says Foster really likes meat loaf. 

Bill is a sinful dog owner in that he gives Foster bites from his dinner plate. And, he's given the little guy enough bites that he knows what Foster really likes.

So, it was banner night for one dog while the other stinkers spent dinner time in the shame chamber, the garage. 

After that tasty, tasty dinner ended, I was mentally ready to tackle the dog smell project. 

I mixed up the concoction.  Bill grabbed a lead rope for holding Liam and Bridie through their baths, and the process began. 

I wore surgical gloves to avoid having the smell decide it liked my skin.  

I hosed them down thoroughly and scrubbed away.  Dogs did shake, shake, shake a few times during these sessions, but Bill and I knew before we began that we were gonna look just as bad as the dogs had smelled. 

Thankfully, there was still sunshine left when the baths ended, allowing Liam and Bridie some quality drying time. 

They spent more time after their baths in the garage drying, and, after I took my much-needed bath,  I doused them with some generous sprays of good-smelling stuff from Petco. 

This morning, they smell okay.  No hint of any skunk residue, and I'm very happy to report that the "recipe" works, just like Debbie said it would. 

The irony of all this is that yesterday afternoon I scanned a rather long Facebook post written by a neighbor where it appeared that both she and her dog had been sprayed by a skunk.  

So, folks, it's skunk season and should the resident skunks' aims be good, check out the "recipe." 

It works.  

Happy Monday and sweet fragrances to all.   

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