The lawn needed mowing.
Tomato plants were loaded down with ripe 'maters.
Limbs on the plum tree extended to the ground with the weight of almost-ripe fruit.
Blueberries were more than ripe and still big in numbers.
A whole bunch of green bush beans, ready for picking had shown up over the weekend.
Where to start? Where to start?
I picked almost a gallon of ripe tomatoes and full gallon of plums.
I also brought in seven mature cucumbers.
Every look at the scraggly, residue-filled lawn and the recurring thought of hosting a group tonight for a meeting led to a decision.
Let the produce stay on the vine and get that lawn done.
So, I spent several hours on the lawn mower yesterday on my first day back from being gone.
Twas apparent soon after mowing one section of lawn and seeing it covered with leaves an hour or so later that the dry weather has taken its toll.
Leaves are falling faster than I can mow.
Still, the lawn looks better and garden produce must be harvested.
The lawn will receive a cursory sweep just before the meeting, and I'll be filling buckets with produce today.
Half of the new supply of green beans went into the freezer. The other half will lead the list of "to pick's" today.
I can't remember too many years of having such a problem of abundance.
And, I hope to make the most of this freezer-filling opportunity.
I checked on Garry, the pumpkin yesterday and told Bill that I may need help harvesting and hauling it to the fair.
Garry is growing by the hour.
I hope the nasty little rodents that hang out in the manure pile leave Garry alone so he doesn't have road maps all over his body.
Speaking of the rodents, we've had a disappearance of cats over the past month.
Mooch hasn't been seen for weeks, and we've had no Sunny sightings for at least a week. The cat food in the tack room hasn't been touched.
We aren't too concerned because we can remember past years when our cats would wander in the summer time and suddenly show up.
Just hope the coyotes haven't gotten them.
We are seeing turkeys, though. It seems the mamas have had their babies and the families have scoped out their areas of travel and resting places.
I watched a crew come through the fence from the woods into the hay field this morning.
As for me, I've looking at a high-octane day ahead.
Two meetings and a whole lot of stuff to do in preparation.
So, Happy Tuesday.
The Virginia creeper keeps on creeping and creating an artistic scene inside the barn.
A time will come when I have to disassemble the plant, but for now, it's kinda fun watching it move along.
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