Saturday, April 27, 2024

Saturday Slight


It's a rainy Saturday morning.  

I was planning to go to the opening day of Farmers Market today but just learned that twice weekly event doesn't happen until next weekend May 4. 

Maybe the weather will be more cooperative then. 

The rain is not so bad because it enhances the brilliant colors of an awakening spring. 

Most of the trees and shrubs here are budded out or are alive with brand new leaves. 

Along with the good stuff of spring come some irritants. 

Yesterday while vacuuming, I noticed an ant on the kitchen floor, then another. 

It doesn't take more than two ants within a few feet of each other scurrying across the floor to put one into instant ant-alert mode. 

We haven't had ant sightings in the house for quite some time BUT I do remember that if they did show up, it was usually around the first part of May.

With this year's spring showing itself earlier than usual, it would make sense for ants to come visiting now. 

Of course, we're thinking the worst, but we'll put that thought on hold until we see if our home remedy of three parts vinegar and one part water sprayed around the areas where they seem to come and go works. 

I saw only two this morning and immediately applied the spray.  We'll monitor it and decide if we'll go to the the traps. 

We also had another unwelcome visitor overnight. 

A skunk got mighty close to our garage, and the scent is still lingering. 

Besides the photos this morning, I'm including a video I saw on Facebook. 

It celebrates 60 years of Schweitzer, which has become a multi-purpose resort almost year around.  

I'm sure  the clips will take a lot of locals down Memory Lane. 

So, will keep this post short, wish all a Happy Saturday and direct you to the video below. 


I saw this on a friend's Facebook post this morning and, for some reason, totally identified.  

'Cept the fingers tamping in the dirt look far better than mine ever do in the spring. 

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