Friday, May 31, 2024

Bye, May; Hello, Shower


I told the Fish and Game officers that all I was catching at McArthur Lake yesterday were photos. 

No license needed for that activity. 

You can imagine what was going through my mind when---just five minutes after hearing about the jury finding Donald Trump guilty on all 34 counts---these two imposing law men came around the corner as I was walking up from the lake's launching post. 

Actually, they look very intimidating, but we had a great time visiting.  Also, since all I had in my hand was an iPhone camera, there'll be no fines or jury trials for me. 

Turns out that Matt, on the left, has a daughter in the Sandpoint High girls basketball program so he knows Willie.  Later, I learned that both Jeremy and Matt know Bill from of all things:  fishing circles.  

I had stopped at McArthur Lake while on a drive with the dogs.  The purpose of this drive was to get the dogs out of the way (especially little blind Foster) while Joey and Jada worked in the downstairs bathroom, installing a new walk-in shower. 

It was a day-long project that, at one point, could have used Matt and Jeremy and their muscles when the cast iron bath tub had to be removed from the house.  

Joey mustered up all the strength he could find and maneuvered it on a dolly through doors, the garage and finally to a pick-up.  Bill and Jada helped him load it for its next destination, Pacific Hide and Steel. 

When I arrived home from our drive, I discovered that it was really good idea that the dogs were gone because the lid on the crawl space had been removed so that Joey could get under the house to reroute some plumbing. 

I felt bad because the room where the crawl space is serves as a repository for a variety of items.  Most of them had to be removed to get to the crawl space lid. 

It's not often that the opening is used, which also contributes to the amount of material (shoes, boots, nonperishable food, cookbooks and other assorteds that accumulate behind that door. 

Joey and Jada's project all worked out, and next will come the shower doors and a new toilet for the downstairs bathroom. 

Today, more professionals come to the house. They're from Northwest Pest Control.  Bill called them about three weeks ago when ants kept showing up.  

We haven't seen an ant in the house for about ten days, but Bill figures it's a good idea to see that they aren't hunkering down and hiding somewhere. 

Thus, the crawl space may get some more use today.  We always hope that whoever goes down there fits through the hole. 

Stay tuned. 

We have decided that, after all the stuff we fixed during the first two years we were here, enough time has passed that other stuff is ready to give us fits.

It's a never-ending cycle for homeowners.  

Hopefully, after today the maintenance situations will take some time off.  

Happy Friday. 

Good bye, May, and enjoy the photos.  

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