Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday Morning Thoughts


It's been a banner year for iris here at the Lovestead. 

 Just wish they would last longer cuz each bloom is so uniquely beautiful. 

I can't say so much for our plums and expecially the tree in the background.  

It appears to have died over this past winter, and that makes me sad. 

No blossoms, a few iddy biddy leaves and then the leaves started disappearing. 

In past years, the tree has borne hundreds of bright red, smaller plums which have been great for jellies. 

The tree's counterpart across the driveway, which produces smaller, dark purple plums, had about five blossoms this year, but, thankfully, it has kept its leaves.  So, hopefully it has survived and will produce again next year. 

So, we have no plums this year as opposed to the bounty of plums aplenty over past years. 

A friend who runs a fruit stand told me yesterday to have low expectations for apricots, plums and peaches this season. 

Apparently, the odd but mild winter did a number on many of the fruit trees in the Northwest. 

At least, the beauty of the iris crop this year somewhat makes up for the other losses, and that's comforting. 

It was a weekend of human loss for me and for many people in the community.  Two mornings in a row I learned that friends who had been close for years had passed on. 

This is becoming more and more common as we age in our hometowns, but it doesn't make the shock and sadness for the families and friends involved any easier. 

My heart goes out to both families with hopes that the wonderful memories with these special and beloved individuals will do like the iris have done for the loss of other bounties of nature. 

For as much as we celebrate life---and we should every embrace every gift of every single day---we know that mourning is an essential ingredient of all life that we cherish. 


And so, Mother Nature gives us both lashes and flashes of ever continuing awe. 

Right now in this prelude to official summer, daisies and irises and horses frolicking in green fields wet with the dew of the morning and birds filling the air with their unique voices and sunshine---all wonderful sights and sounds. 

Let's enjoy this Monday and take time to rejoice for those around us and savor the memories of those who have passed on. 

After all, it's our responsibility with this gift of life. 

Happy Monday.  

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