Friday, June 07, 2024

Summer and Times of Life


The travel trailer went to get summerized yesterday.  

It will come back today, and Bill will park it next to the house where it will serve as our "guest house" for the next few months. 

A yellow school bus made its last morning's pass by our place when I went out to get the paper.  

The bus will get some rest and probably some maintenance over the summer, and then it will begin its routes again in the fall. 

School is out in Sandpoint today, and what a gorgeous day for summer vacation to begin!   

Yesterday, a beautiful young lady and her lovely grandmother came by for a visit to drop off a graduation announcement. 

Bill and I have had the pleasure of  watching Terra, who lives in our neighborhood, grow up.  We also had the opportunity to play a part in her life during those formative years. 

She has learned horsemanship here at the Lovestead, at my sisters' and through 4-H.  She has also helped us out many times with projects and watching after our animals. 

Terra will be off in a couple of months to begin a new chapter in her life at the University of Arizona in Tuscon, and her Grandma Ruth couldn't be more thrilled cuz that's where she and Terra's grandfather Don live. 

Tonight she'll walk through the graduation line, receive her diploma and spend the night at the senior grad party.  

More than likely Evan will be doing the same.  He lives up the road, and he is the second of the 5 ET's to graduate from Sandpoint High School. 

I know because I took his senior pictures, and Mom and Dad Taylor (Peter and Jen) think I'm going to still be functioning and snapping photos when the youngest graduates in about 8-9 years. 

Over the past few years since their dad retired from the Navy, we've gotten to know the 5 ET's (all five boys' names begin with "E" and end with T-aylor). 

They've come for Halloween and we've seen them evolve from walking down the road or riding their bikes to driving down the road.  For Evan, it's a bright yellow pickup. 

Anywho, we're proud of these neighbor kids and all the seniors we've been fortunate to meet through Willie's basketball program. 

Great and wonderful kids who are destined to make great and wonderful strides in the world. 

May all the families of graduating seniors enjoy the celebrations. 

On another topic, I found the item in the pictures out in Pasture No. 1 last night. 

The closer I looked at it, the more I thought it looked like a horse tooth. 

I brought it inside and washed it as best I could and then sent pictures to one of our vets, Dr. Grace. 

Sure enough, she said it was a horse tooth and probably that one she so much time a few years ago trying to get a tooth out of Lily's head.

I was thinking the same thing, so I texted her back and told her she'd better not charge me.

To which I received a note telling me she'd already sent me an email.  I could pay by Venmo and please add interest. 

Hmmm!  Glad she was just kidding. 
Having never seen a horse tooth OUT of a horse's mouth, I found this fascinating and worth keeping. 

Maybe it will bring me luck so I can pay that bill!

Above:  Terra and her Grandmother Ruth.

Below:  Evan of the 5 ET's. 

To Terra, Evan and to all the 2024 SHS grads: wishing you the time of your lives. 

Congratulations.  Safe travels!  


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