Friday, September 20, 2024

Excellent Adventure Awaits


Annie finished her Camino yesterday, and I'm assuming she will be relaxing in Santiago for the next few days.

She plans to post something today on her blog, so check in.

On Sunday we'll fly in to Santiago from Ireland and spend the next few days with our daughter.  

She'll be showing us parts of Spain (including Luarco) and Portugal.  

It should be a wonderful, beautiful and educational adventure for Bill and me who have never been to either country.

No hablo espanol ni Portugues!

Should be interesting.  


If all goes well, Ma and Pa Love will walk a stretch of the Camino that Annie just finished. 

After Spain and Portugal, we'll be visiting some of our favorite spots and people in Ireland with some special people.  

So, lots of places to go and people to see and pictures to take.

 I have no idea how often I'll be able to post on the blog on a regular basis.  If that's not working out, I'll simply post highlights of our adventure on my Facebook feed.

Thanks to all who are caring for our beloveds and watching after the Lovestead. 

  Stay tuned. 

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