Thursday, January 06, 2005

Food on the Mind

Two consecutive posts about food. Hmm! I haven't gained any pounds over the holiday season. Have been very careful to keep my "eat it now, don't eat later" regimen functional. BUT, I must speak of the fresh-baked loaves of bread and giant maple bars at Ireland's along HWY 95 near Potlatch.

Ireland's is easily recognizable as the yellow brick boxlike structure alongside the highway just before ya head up the hill for the last leg of the journey to Moscow. The clientele consists of a lot of senior citizens who've, no doubt, spent their lives toiling on the Palouse grain fields or within the farmhouses. Others include the younger crowd of wheat and lentil farmers and motorists who take a break on their journey north or south. Hungry eaters who step into Ireland's will walk away more than satisfied and with money left in their pockets.

Folks who know about Ireland's will tell you about the bread, and they go back for more. We've stopped numerous times to pick up our supply, as we did yesterday. Didn't get there soon enough to grab a couple of the giant maple bars, but we did pack out two loaves of cinnamon pull-apart and two loaves of oatmeal sesame. The Plummer bunch got half while the other half came on to Sandpoint to meet up with the toaster, some Imperial margarine and my homemade huckleberry jam. Yum! Yum!

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