Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Good Soup

We sat at a corner table where warm rays of the January sun kept us toasty warm. Our view from the window was breath-taking----Lake Pend Oreille glistening with a silver sheen. We ate soup--potato-basil--to be exact, complemented with fresh-baked olive bread. Across the room, half a dozen customers who'd already downed their soup gathered near a stage. A tall, lean, gray-haired man stood before them with a clump of papers in his hand. He began telling stories about Uther Pendragon, Merlin, bards, and, yes, King Arthur. We couldn't catch all of his lecture, but apparently, this was a talk aimed at providing background for an upcoming television movie.

We continued enjoying our soup and gazing at the magnificent scene out our window. My mother, my daughter-in-law, Debbie, and I had drove to Hope yesterday to try the soup at the Lakeside Coffee Shop, formerly the Hi Hopes Market. The soup gave us a homemade, heavenly experience. It was definitely worth recommending, as was the atmosphere where elegant works of sculptured art reside in a room off from the eating area and where you must walk past a warm stove, through a hallway and finally find the bathroom adorned with posters of area literary events.

We left, glad that we came, walked over to the Hope Post Office and met June, the postmaster. People don't travel to Hope without taking a spin around the Sam Owen Peninsula to say hello to the deer, so that topped off our day.

Today, the Jimmy will have a new assignment---take us to Moscow. Have a good Wednesday everyone.

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