Saturday, March 19, 2005

Add to your recipe box

Winter Recipe

Resort to this recipe only after whining for weeks about February and March sunshine in North Idaho.

  • Remove rototiller from winter shelter and work up the garden.
  • Thoroughly sweep entire lawn for blown-down branches and tree combs. Haul off to the burn pile.
  • Buy three kinds of lettuce seeds and plant half a sack each on edge of strawberry patch.
  • Admire those daffodils about to bloom and think how nice it will be, for once in your life, to have daffodils for Easter.
  • Remove push-lawnmower from winter shelter. Mulch left-over twigs and dog doodoo piles.
  • Prune all fruit trees.
  • Plant yellow clover and alfalfa seed along pond and roadway.
  • Put away snow shoes, cross country skis, and snow shovels.

No particular order is necessary for the above. Guaranteed to drive off that spring weather and
bring back gray skies, snow, rain and wind.

If sunshine returns, repeat the process.


Anonymous said...

So true, although you'd think after all these years, we'd figure it out.

I feel sorry for the puffed up little robins in the tree. You'd think they would have more sense.

Anonymous said...

Seems like a lot of trouble to tempt the weather gods....doncha know what groundhogs 'er for?


Word Tosser said...

Now don't all the gardners say to do all that kind of stuff, just before the last snow? Which I wondered how did they know when the last snow was going to Idaho I have never figured that out.
Also don't all the oldtimers tell us not to plant anything until after the last snow off of Baldy? Again, there is that last snow reference.
I went to bed Thursday night to the weather man saying snow at the 3000 level, and I knew I was at the 1500 so I would be walking in the morning in the rain. Well, hello, betsy, there is an inch on the ground as I leave the house. As I walked down Kootenai Cutacross road, I think to myself, I bet that Marianne over at the bottom of that mountain, was wanting some more snow and pulled those clouds down to 1500 level and that is why there was 3+ inches by the time I got home