Friday, March 18, 2005

Army Corps of Engineers: Angels over the farm

My faith has been reinstored this morning. Terry, the developer with two last names, and his partners will have to wait to dig up more dirt piles on the folks' old farm.

A few weeks ago, they started digging holes and ditches in the south wetlands of the place, and the Army Corps of Engineers didn't like it. Apparently, he was rerouting the sediment into Chuck Slough, and that's a no-no.

From the article I read in this morning's paper, it sounds like he may be fighting an uphill battle. The City Council put his plans on hold Wednesday night. Thank you to the City Council. Thank you, Army Corps of Engineers. Thank you to the neighborhood who persistently opposed the development.

I'm wondering this morning if he and his partners might wanta sell a piece of land as a farm. I'd be the first in line to make a deal. As my mother says, that place isn't desirable for anything other than a farm. That's the way it ought to stay.

I have a feeling Mother's gonna be happy this morning. I know I am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Marianne,

I just had to tell you I have been following this story. I was elated to hear the development had been stopped. You see, I am not in favor of much of the development that is currently going on in Northern Idaho. I wish I had some doe I would by the whole piece of the pie and have someone farm it. While we are on this subject, I am really opposed to the Dover Bay Development that Ralph Sletager is putting in. You just don't know how I wish I was living back in Bonner County. I would make my presence known and I would definitely run for office. I do what I can from Illinois and at least I still feel involved. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's been awhile since I tuned into your blog. Always a pleasure!! I check the local press on-line during my lunch break. By the way, have you seen Zach Hagadone's newspaper "The Sandpoint Reader"...I subscribed to it and have enjoyed watching the evolution. Got to hand it to them for diving in and making a go of it. Well I'd better get back to the business of the day. Take care and say hello to the mountains for me. Love - Julie