Sunday, May 22, 2005

Sunday morning and it's still coming down

I hate to sound like a broken record, but it's still raining in this drought-stricken area. Just went out to scatter cracked corn for the geese and ducks and noticed the garden's turning into a lake. Fortunately, most seeds have germinated and their little plants are most likely developing waders as they defy the water surrounding their appointed growing spots.

With all the stuff going on yesterday---coffee cult, root beer floats and car gazing at "Lost in the '50s," the Preakness and an evening retirement party at the Gehring house, I didn't get too much lawn mowed. So, it's looking like the patch where I mowed yesterday will be where I mow again today, if'n the sun shows up and decides to stay a while, that is.

I was griping to my Spokesman bloggers the other day about our TV weather folks who put up their graphics one day with a bunch of smiling suns on upcoming dates, always at least four days away. Then, the next day, they try to fool us by subtlely changing one of sun graphics with a cloud mass. The next day, the cloud mass has a water droplet perched on top of it and the day next to it, which yesterday was predicted to be sunny, has changed to the cloud mass.

By the time those days do actually arrive, they're all clouds and droplets and the suns appear four days up the calendar. Those weather guys and gals don't fool me one bit. Instead, they make me mad. In fact, in the credibility department, I think they're getting as bad as the rest of the news media.

I made those blogger comments after reading a Spokesman column about global warming where the writer suggested that maybe the weather folks could WILL the atmosphere to quit thawing the Arctic ice by smiling every time the forecast called for rain and cold temperatures, while making sad faces when the sun was gonna shine.

I informed the Spokesman in-house blogging crew that the writer's idea probably wouldn't sit too well with t mad people like me who don't give two hoots if the sun shines two minutes too long, causing one molecule of that ice to melt. I felt validated when the next day's paper featured an article claiming that the ice is actually GROWING in Antarctica. So much for smiles attached to ugly weather forecasts!

They've promised that the rain will quit this week------sometime. I'm not holding out hope, and I may be out there looking like a fool mowing that lawn in pouring rain cuz I'm not gonna let it get away from me like my sisters did theirs. My brother came over and they had a lawnmower/weed-eating brigade going yesterday at Colburn. In fact, I heard their foot-tall grass got mowed twice yesterday.

And, so, the rain continues to fall, and the grass keeps rising. Some drought!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Re: your comment on "global warming," it has been reliably reported that by trashing the Kyoto agreement (I challenge anyone to read it and actually claim that they understand it) and ignoring the plaintive cries of the whiny left, the U.S. has narrowly spared the world an unrushing global cooling crisis. We dodged a real bullet on that one!

Woulda pro'lly really dumped the rain in N. Idaho....
