Sunday, October 16, 2005

4 in 1 birthday week

Yup, this week we get four for the price of one---birthdays, that is. Well, at least I do. Maybe there are more out there for the rest of you, or maybe you're off the hook at remembering special people in your lives and their special day. Anyway, I'm thinking about these folks, so I'll tell you about them. Their names are Sefo, Jim, Annie, and Diane.

Sefo's birthday is tomorrow. I think he's going to be 34. I'm sure his wife, who's my niece Laura, will correct me if I'm wrong. Sefo is a father extraordinaire. He moved here with Laura and his three children from Samoa just over a year ago. Now, Sefo's not just any father; his children are all the same age---3 1/2. Readers have, no doubt, read a time or two about the triplets: Jacob, Justine and Grace.

While Mom works for the Coeur d'Alene Tribe and the University of Idaho, Sefo stays home in Plummer and takes wonderful care of these adorable children. His patience is laudable. We have all enjoyed getting to know him and have marveled at what a hard worker he is. From what I've heard, he's gone through the bureaucratic tangle to obtain a green card and will be employed outside the home as the children grow older. Happy birthday, to you Sefo. May you have a wonderful day tomorrow.

Birthday Boy Number 2 will be 42 on Tuesday. He's the youngest of my siblings and the artist behind the cartoons you see on Slightdetour. In fact, he came up with the name for this blog. He's been here in Sandpoint for the past few days. He's an avid hang glider, a devoted astronomer and a talented architect. His original birth day came in the midst of an event that has not repeated itself in 42 years.

Jim was born at Bonner General Hospital as Dr. Hayden and my mother were listening to the Sandpoint-Lewiston football game. My brother Kevin was playing for the Bulldogs that year. Jim arrived at half time. The close contest ended with a 9-7 Sandpoint victory, sealing an undefeated season for the Bulldogs----the last one for a Sandpoint football team. That span will go at least another year since this year's team has tasted defeat.

On Wednesday, I'll be sending flowers (don't tell her) to my daughter Annie as she turns a year older. I vividly remember her birth day in that I was so calm about my second trip to the hospital maternity ward. I told Bill that morning that we'd better take Willie (then 19 months old) out to our friend Marilyn Chambers because I was pretty sure I'd be having a baby that day. We did so and then drove back to town.

I walked into the hospital and told them I needed to check in to OB. They asked me to wait while someone came to usher me in. That someone came, looked at me, looked all around the lobby and finally asked, "Are YOU the one?" She could not believe I was about to give birth, just as my students the day before when they asked me why I was going to take some time off. I may have looked six months pregnant but not nine. Well, Annie validated my appearance at the hospital by appearing herself about four hours later.

I'll never forget the day we took her home. It was the height of fall. The sky was deep blue without a cloud, and John Denver was singing "Sunshine" on KSPT Radio 1400. So, that was dubbed as Annie's song in the Love family. Bill also dubbed her "Precious," and we still think of her as such. Annie, I wish for you a day of sunshine as you celebrate your 27th year. Later, this week or next, when you can come home, we'll celebrate together.

This Saturday, my dear friend Diane turns ?? Well, she's not THAT old cuz she's younger than I by a couple of years. Diane has become a good friend through our relationship with the Appaloosa Journal. She's the editor. She assumed her role late last year after the former editor Robin gave birth and decided to stay home to be a mom.

Ever since my first encounter with Diane, I have felt nothing but respect and admiration for her, not only as a meticulous, encouraging editor but also as a warm, caring human being. Diane thinks of others and acts. Her professionalism is impeccable. I value her friendship and wish her a happy day as she moves on to another year of life and serving as a shining example of how to live it.

So, happy October birthdays to all. You know I'll be thinking of you on your special days and what a positive difference you make in my life.

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