Saturday, February 24, 2007

Saturday Same-O

Seems like we're reached that point of the year where it's the same ol' story. It happens about this time every year, and by this time in life we know the same ol' story can continue to repeat itself for several more weeks. That's when patience receives the ultimate test.

Here's how the same ol' story goes. It snows. It warms up. Two robins appear. Some snow disappears and we don't mind the slopping through the mud because we think spring might be coming.

It snows some more. We pretend that we're dealing with it because what other choice do we have. Then, we realize we've never seen another robin since those two visited last week. They know something we didn't and they got the heck out of Selle.

We who love to work outside in the yard and garden do what we can out there, but even that turns into the same ol' story. We can't do much outside with snow on the ground, and we start getting disgruntled because we know that the period of soft ground, slop and mud is being prolonged all the more because it snowed some more. This cycle is the one constant that we all know about North Idaho.

I know people who wait until March to go south because they hit this stage where they really want to get outside and do something but the weather's not going to allow it. If they don't leave and go south, they may end up in the records column of the Daily Blat. So, those smart people are like those two robins. They get in their motorhomes and do something about their mental attitudes.

The rest of us stay here and go through the same ol' grinds, griping a lot and turning into ugly ol' grinches because it's the same ol' stuff day in day out. So what if the crocuses are blooming in Lewiston. We have to rely on Yoke's primroses and long wiry tomato plants outgrowing their garden window pots to get our fix. We have to think that at least the Zags game and the Oscars will get us through this weekend. Next week is March, we think. Surely it will get better, but we know differently.

So, yes, I'm a grouch, and this is the Saturday Slight. Lucky for you, today's posting is very slight because I would just gripe a lot if I allowed it to be longer. I'm going to go downstairs, head to the barn, clean those stalls, listen to Presidential hopefuls tell their lies on NPR, come back in, water my primroses and maybe even transplant those elongated tomatoes.

By that time, the Zags game will be within reach. I can forget the same ol' story for two hours, and by then, I'm sure it will snow again.

Happy Saturday from the Selle grouch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marianne ,wishing you a happy holidays! cant stay long go to go out and rake yard and get garden rototilled.