Friday, February 23, 2007

Slightdetour thank-you cam

This morning's papers offered a cup and a half of juicy tidbits to chew upon. My favorite story had to be about the long-established fish club which suddenly seems to rotting as fast as Anna Nicole's body. Seems one board member pinned another against the wall in a recent meeting. With things getting physical from disputes on how to manage Lake Pend Oreille's fisheries, half the Lake Pend Oreille Idaho Board recently resigned in disgust.

Now, Buster Bandy, Dale Snipes and some other people I've never heard of are going to take the club forward into future fishing greatness. I have to get on the phone today and razz my friend Jim Watkins, one of the deserters who's been with the group for as long as I've known him. Seems Jim's been on these lake-related boards where people tend to resign in disgust. I'm sure there are a lot more whoppers associated with the story than what I read in this morning's paper.

I also liked the front-page piece about City Council's dealings with the Panhandle State Bank parking garage which may or may not get to obstruct more of the pristine views from downtown Sandpoint. Seems there's disagreement about its potential presence, and from what the paper said, the proposed four-story structure has a long road ahead before it gets to serve as receptacle for all those cars bringing all those bank employees to work in Sandpoint's biggest building.

It's February, for sure, and, yes, Joy, I'm thinking of you because a year after your death, the Sandpoint area remains true to form, moving right along with its perennial disputes and downright ugly moods. You were so right several years ago when you first told me over the phone that February brings out the worst in the diverse forms of humanity who choose to call this place home.

Well, I'm sure there will be plenty more good reading as February ends and March begins. Another story that caught my eye appeared in the Spokesman. It revealed that this year's Oscars will feature a "thank you" camera back stage so that award winners won't have to pull that little note from their pockets or cleavage, drip those tears all over the ink and proceed to acknowledge 800 people who did everything from straightening their teeth to giving them directions to the freeway leading to Hollywood.

This year we'll have to be on our toes for grabbing TV treats. We'll get to listen to those folks speak from the heart or their cleavage rather than having the usual 40 seconds to run to the fridge during the obligatory reading of that interminable list of names. A TV camera, specifically designated for thank you's, will be backstage. I don't know how the recipients are going to know that they've been thanked, but I'll leave that up to the Oscar producers. I think it's a good move on their part, and it should lead to some great stuff during the speeches. Maybe we'll get to see more Bush Bashing instead.

Anyway, this thank-you cam concept gave me a good idea. Today I'm going to use a few seconds of my slightdetour time to do some thanking. So, if you don't want to be bored, go to the fridge and get your ice cream.

Thank you to the following: my parents, God, my husband, my children, all of my family, God, my friends, God, my enemies, my readers, my dogs, God, my horses, my cats, God, the trees, the mountains, Mother Nature, God, the chickadees, the geese, the bees, the fishies striving to survive in Lake Pend Oreille, the banks, the newspapers, all the people who agree with me, God, all the people who don't agree with me, all the people who would like to pin me to a wall, all the people who keep Anna Nicole and Brittany in our faces 24 hours a day, God, the mail lady and the paper deliverers, God, my neighbors, Boots and Bonnie for letting me buy them lunch yesterday, all the people who like to stir up trouble, Clark Fork for following Sandpoint's fine governmental examples with its epic-style pile of new municipal policies, God, the wind, the rain, the snow, the nice man at the Hope Market who gave me a sample of his "yum-yum" Parfell sheep's milk cheese and to whoever bakes those lemon bars and fruity scones---all good for Oscar-night TV snacks, God, the Internet, my computer, coffee, God----everyone and everything that make this life so amusing and so fulfilling.

I'm honored to have this great opportunity to express my appreciation, and I don't know how I could face each day without your contributions.

Now, all readers can return from the refrigerator. Have a nice day.

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