Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday morning distractions

I'm distracted this morning, and so are the blogger gods. I've sat here for the past hour, posting pictures from our visit to the Kootenai Valley yesterday. All but the photo you see have floated off into cyberspace. In between postings, I've been reading the last twenty pages of my final, final manuscript. It's included stories about Billy Meuller, Sarah Aavedal and other folks who created precious moments in my teaching career. Every time I revisit these stories, I float off into a zone all my own, savoring once more some incredible experiences that my students provided me. And, apparently because I've been floating off, the cybergods have chosen to do the same. Besides feeling the urgency to get this manuscript finished and back down to Keokee Publishing so they can make those last-minute changes and send this thing to the printers, I've allowed other distractions on this gorgeous Monday morning. The window to this upstairs bedroom is open, allowing me to hear the morning concert of spring songbirds and to squint as the sun has risen over the Cabinets. Though a busy schedule lies ahead, I'm ordering myself to savor the current moments just as much as those past memories that have contributed so much to this book. And, I'm loving it all. If I could just find those photos, it would be a perfect Monday.

A final note to Denise: if you're reading, we did drive right past Mimi's house yesterday; it looked like they had a lot of company, so we just kept driving. We saw a sheep and the Halflingers, so we knew we had the right place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is hard to believe Adam and Willie are both the big 30. Remember Adam was 30 on the 30th. Also thanks for the comments about the pizza shop. I loved seeing you and when you left the kids you met said that you seemed like you would have been a really fun teacher etc. Of course I had to set them straight on the seriousness of English in your class, never a joke, never a smile.

Take care Merris