Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Seals and Such

Doggies were out early this morning for the Monday morning shift at the barnyard.


Before someone else steals my idea, I want to put it out there. For the movie that's sure to come of the recent pirate stand-off and yesterday's rescue of the ship captain by the Navy Seals, I want to suggest a title:
Easter Seals.


Okay, that's off my chest. I also want to thank Jenny Leo, the Coeur d'Alene Chapter of the Idaho Writers' League, Erica Curless and the wonderful participants who made Saturday's memoir workshop a pure joy and a wonderful memory for me.

I think a good time was had by all. I think we laughed through most of the day, and I'm hoping folks were inspired to go whatever direction their writing bug sends them. It's a fun journey.

Thank you.

And, now it's time to move on through spring, which is showing itself in many ways through the April showers, occasional sunshine and traveling worms.

The dogs are having it a lot easier too as the snow has mostly disappeared, allowing them full access to all sides of that barnyard corral so they can keep those horses in line.

Happy Monday to all, and do tell those Hollywood folks about my movie title idea. Plus, hats off to the Navy Seals and all involved in bringing the brave ship captain home safely.

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