Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday Slight

Bill and his Danish guest Praden Palsgaard stand below our God Tree---an unusual and beautiful Lodgepole.
This photo of the God Tree seems appropriate for the moment.
I'm too touched by the funeral of Sen. Ted Kennedy (they're singing an old, beloved Catholic hymn right now) to write.
So, I'll come back later and post more after watching this poignant page of American history.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liked your post today although it was short and sweet. As you know, my uncle was in politics and I dabbled on the college and high school level ... but it seems that it has become ALL OUT WARFARE in politics these days with little respect for the other side and so much name calling and lying. It's too bad that politicians can't seem to respect the right to disagree with each other but still respect each. Personally, I believe it has to do with $ and lobbying and getting re-elected. In any event, the Kennedy passing is a milestone ... I'm too young to remember JFK or RFK ... but respect EMK ... despite his stumbles along the way. The Kennedy's are certainly controversial and a big target for many ... but objectively ... I for one think that there is a certain amount of respect in order for people who are born into privilege, but RECOGNIZE and RESPECT it ... and choose to help others at the same time that they enjoy their privilege. Just my thoughts.