Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Tuesday Twitterteacherdeedum

In approximately ten minutes from this posting, Mr. Love will utter his first words to his first-ever class at Sandpoint High School.

He left here about 6:45 on this crisp, foggy fall morning after arriving home at 10 p.m. last night from a full day's worth of preparation in his Cedar Post/journalism classroom.

His days have been that long ever since he arrived here last Wednesday to get ready for his new career.

I must admit a tinge of wistfulness and a teary eye this morning as I thought about this monumental day in his life, in our lives as proud parents and in the lives of many teenagers.

I may be his mommy, but Will Love aka Mr. Love will be a wonderful role model for young people.

Good luck to him and to all who stand before America's youth today, whether it be in public schools, private schools or in a home setting.

You take on a huge and important responsibility.

And, if you do your best, I can guarantee you that one day the gratitude for your efforts will come flowing in!


Word Tosser said...

as I read about Tom A. this morning in the paper, I thought about your Willie and how there are now 2 second generation teachers at the school

Janis Puz said...

How wonderful that both you and your son have taught at SHS! I am sorry we didn't make over to the school to see him!