Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Janis Puzuhanich Clarke: the lady behind the mini reunion.

Janice lives in Palm Desert, California.

This year she bought a travel trailer, and for the past three weeks, she's been pulling it around the West.

One of her stops was in Rathdrum where she stayed with her sister Jean.

And, yesterday, she brought many members of her family, including these three lovely doggies, up to Sandpoint and the Lovestead.

A memorable, fun-filled afternoon followed.

Thanks, Janis, for reuniting a bunch of us grads from SHS Class of 1965.

And, to my friend Mow in Palm Springs: one of these days I'm gonna get you two dog lovers together.

1 comment:

Janis Puz said...

I loved the afternoon with you, Bill, friends & family, pooches at the Lovestead! It was a big highlight of my Western Adventure!