Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Stuff: Switching from Low to Overdrive

There's a Hallmark movie playing right now, so my ability to concentrate is limited, so I'll come back later and write my posting.

Two family members will leave later this morning on road trips home, and I don't want to miss the rest of our full-time family time in our full house.

So, check back.


It's quiet. I have just completed the Lovestead "Amazing Race." The Lovestead version involves waiting for the last visitor to go out the door, leaving the starting blocks and vacuuming, washing, picking up, putting back, throwing away, etc. as quickly as possible.

The object is in this race around the house, up and down the stairs, inside and out, is to complete said tasks before the next person walks through the door. In this case, it will be either Bill or Willie.

Willie took off in his car, and Debbie took off in her car, loaded down with grandpuppies. They headed for the Hoot Owl for a good breakfast before Debbie's drive back to Boise. Bill was headed to church.

One other person left; that would be Annie, but like Debbie, she's not coming back today. She's taking the trip back across the state of Washington to Seattle.

Willie will either go to the school to get ready for the week ahead, or he'll come back home to do some of that. I can be certain that Bill will be back in about three hours.

Anyway, I put my body into overdrive, not knowing how soon someone would arrive back home to interrupt my speed-of-light house reclamation project. Overdrive worked cuz it's totally quiet, and I'm sitting up here at my computer.

Up until Annie's departure, we had spent most of the weekend in low gear, plopped on the couches/on each other, watching sporting events or Hallmark Channel movies. Annie brought a few rentals with her too.

We ate, we took pictures, played with doggies, we visited with all members of the family who came to the Colburn house, and we just enjoyed being a nice little Lovestead family. We also went to the Keokee book launch party for the lake book. It was well attended, with lots of folks on hand at Community Hall to get their copies.

I like the book, and I think it will be a popular one for a long, long time in this area. What geologic entity has attracted more people to this area than that lake? So, it's a winning formula to capture the sights, sounds and memories associated with the lake.

Speaking of which, Willie and Debbie will soon be living on the lake. They were fortunate to have someone who knew someone tell them about a nice house for reasonable rent. When Debbie comes up this way in a couple of weeks, they'll start the moving process. Of course, we plan to go visit them----often----and enjoy their drop-dead gorgeous view.

Besides switching from low gear to overdrive, I'm switching into a new mindset. Gotta get ready for one of the adventures of my life, which begins Thursday with a flight to Seattle and a Friday-morning take-off for Maui. Yes, I'm excited and downright giddy about the whole idea. Now, I can be giddy with Thanksgiving behind us.

So, this week will be spent tying up loose ends and making sure everything is in good order for Bill and Willie to keep the Lovestead menagerie and themselves all happy and satisfied. Lots to do, so I'll get back into overdrive and start on the next fun chapter of life. With luck, the blog will feature highlights each day.

Happy Sunday to all and safe driving back to destinations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Thanksgiving weekend sounds like lots of fun. Ours was too--great food, great fellowship, even a visit to the local zoo with a dozen or so cute kids. The adults will long remember the walrus trio who were, according to the kids, "hugging."

Biology--ain't it great?