Tuesday, January 05, 2010

How Sweet It Is Twitterdeedum

Twas a great day yesterday for the state of Idaho.

And, if my friend Cathy, who commented yesterday about "being there" at the Fiesta Bowl, cares to comment again today on the sweet, sweet victory of the Boise State Broncos, I'll be glad to post it on the blog.

For now, we're as thrilled as anyone who has followed the Broncos for the past several years.

We've watched time and again situations of where they've won and won and won only to be "dissed off."

Even last night, it seemed that the sports commentators wanted in the worst way to write a "Cinderella Story" about the TCU Horned Frogs. That was most apparent during the pregame show and it didn't get much better throughout the game.

All the dissing in the world was not going to stop the Broncos.

Their victory, for the second time in the Fiesta Bowl and their 14-0 record (only the second time in NCAA football history) was great for the team, great for the university and beyond wonderful for our Gem State.

And, when the bowls are all complete, maybe, just maybe Boise State could really make Idaho history by finishing second in the nation. We'll hope for that outcome.

Congratulations Broncos!!


And, while we're at it, I'm thrilled this morning to announce that a Bronco grad had a good day here in Sandpoint too.

Just before arriving here to watch the game, Debbie, our daughter-in-law, received a telephone call from the Girl Scouts of America Spokane office, asking her to report for work Thursday afternoon.

Debbie will occupy an office in Sandpoint at the old City Hall on Main Street. She'll be covering the North Idaho and Eastern Washington area recruiting and working with Girl Scout development.

She has worked with the Girl Scouts in Boise with the Silver Sage Council as a director. Her experience has even involved taking a group of scouts to Ecuador a couple of years ago.

We're excited to see her talents going into action in this area, and, of course, we're very excited to have the final major piece of the puzzle fall into place. Willie and Debbie both will be working with the youth of this area, and they're happily at home in Sagle.

Congratulations, Debbie!!!


In other news, I'm excited about throwing a goal into my bucket for this year. Yesterday I completed my registration for the March 14 St. Paddy's Dash in Seattle.

I'll be in the Yellow Wave. Those are the "didn't also runs." Well, ya can run, but you don't have to. It's a 3.8 mile course around Seattle's downtown. I did it a few years ago with my cousin Sue. Annie was in the Dash, but she and her friends ran and then waited for us.

It was lots of crazy fun, even though the rain was pouring and the wind was blowing the entire way.

This year we're trying to get as many cousins as possible to join in on the fun. So, if you're a cousin of mine or even a relative, you can find the registration online under St. Paddy's Dash.


I told Bill as he was going out the door that I'm enjoying a few days of no deadlines and almost complete choice of what I want to do with the day. It's been fun cleaning out clutter and tending to things that seldom get my attention.

I actually sewed up a hole in one of my socks yesterday. Sunday I fixed (probably temporarily so) a bathroom drawer that fell off its runner. It's a lot easier to open and close now that it has a track to travel.

I may plant some more seeds in pots today. My lettuce (in the garden window) is up, by the way.

Life is good and sweet this morning, even if it is snowing. Even the snow looks beautiful on this Tuesday.

How sweet it is!


Anonymous said...

Wearing my Boise State sweatshirt, I, too, cheered on the Broncos. The sports store in Bend didn't have any Vandal sweatshirts for last week's game so I wore my Vandal cap. Both were fantastic games!!!

Idaho Pride!!!!!


Cathy Parkins said...

Hi Maryann

I just got on my computer, we have been out in the sun all day!!!

The game was WONDERFUL!!!! We were in a sea of orange and the sound was deafening. What fun!

We are so proud of the Broncos. They completely out played them and wasn't that trick play great!!

Idaho has had a great showing this year. I can't forget to mention the Vandals.
