Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mike, Kevin and Marianne, circa: a long time ago.


Anonymous said...

That's a cute group of adorable kiddies, both you and your charming brothers and your two young'uns. To have all five looking so well groomed and well behaved--astonishing!

Laura said...

Too darn cute! There's definitely a few grandsons that resemble the people in this picture.

Sharon said...

It's always interesting and enjoyable to me to see pictures of others I know when they were very young. Your hair looks so curly here, Marianne. Is that natural? If so, what happened to those curls? Were you a redhead by any chance?

MLove said...

First, they called me a redhead; then, auburn. My older brother on the left had red hair.

And,yes, when it rains, I get the frizzies.