Thursday, April 22, 2010

Every day is Earth Day

Bill and I wished each other Happy Earth Day today.  Then, he said, "Like that bumpersticker I've seen:  To a forester, every day is Earth Day."  I added to his thought, saying that to a significant portion of the population, every day is Earth Day.

Still, on this 40th anniversary of Earth Day, I celebrate.  My celebration won't involve any cake, ice cream or balloons.  It may involve a few gifts, however----gifts both Bill and I try to give the Earth every chance we can.

Maybe I'll plant more potatoes or some swiss chard.  Maybe I'll work up some soil for the first time in the north garden. I might spend some time manicuring my large lawn.  I know I'll yank a few more weeds from my strawberry patch before the soil gets too hard.

Meanwhile, one needs only to walk through our woods to witness all the gift-giving to the Earth, compliments of my husband, the forester.  His forest is gradually becoming immaculate and flourishing with young and old trees of varying species.  

Neat little wood piles greet the traveler at various junctures.  Limbs removed from mini thinning projects are left throughout the wood lot, providing nourishment on the forest floor.

Hardly a day goes by that Bill doesn't take a jaunt through the woods to check the progress of his young crop of larch, cedar, fir and pine seedlings, all making their way among more mature trees.  He's proud of some of his larch, which planted a couple of years ago, now stand taller than most people. 

My celebration of the Earth comes every day during the seasons that allow it.  Constant attention to nurturing the lawn, the flower beds and the garden---and daily rejoicing of and appreciation of  progress.  Yes, good things do sometimes happen, in spite of the moles, deer and tame creatures that inhabit our 20-acre patch of Earth. 

I can't think of anything on Earth I love (with the exception of my family of humans and critters) more than the Earth itself.  And, I do my best to preserve and respect it.  I know millions of others do the same because I've had the good fortune to see the results of such deep and abiding love.  

So, if we need a day to celebrate the Earth, let's do just that by bringing attention to the very entity that sustains us all.  And, from this day forth, let's continue the celebration in the form of admiration, respect and care. 

It takes a planet to take care of the Earth. 

Happy Earth Day wherever you are!

1 comment:

Word Tosser said...

I never forget Earth day...and how long ago it was started....
Because today, my baby daughter was born, 40 years ago..