Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday Twitterdeevotetoday

Yup, it's Idaho Primary Election day.  Bill and I will be going to the Northside Community Church sometime today to exercise our cherished right to mark "X'es" next to our preferred candidates---or to write in some names. 

It looks like a "no brainer" in choosing ballots in this primary.  In Idaho we don't have to declare a party.  Instead, we select the party ballot inside the polling booth and discard the other in a secure place.  I'm not sure exactly what that procedure will be, but I do know that we don't have to give away our preferences except by secret ballot.

I'll be taking the Republican ballot in this primary because that's where all the key primary races are.  In fact, locally and statewide, this primary will determine if some incumbents stay in office.  Some of my choices are automatic every time they run for office because they're proven candidates. 

I really like and fully support all of our Idaho legislators---George, Eric, Joyce and Shawn.  They'll all get my vote. The other races are between me and my ballot---and a few members of my family.  

The mud slinging has gone back and forth in several instances, and I must say that turns me off.  I still believe, even though it's old-fashioned and apparently ineffective among the masses, that it's better for candidates to stand on their own merits than to rip someone else apart.  Generally, the people who have something positive and some possible solutions to problems get my vote. 

Politics is turning somewhat strange and nasty these days.  Sometimes it's hard to sift out whom to choose while going down the ballot, but I'll figure it out, and best of all, I'll be proud once more to have done my civic duty.  

The best part comes when the telephone quits ringing and the political eyesores scattered along roadsides all over the countryside disappear until the next election.  Those robo calls, or whatever they're called, drive me nuts, especially when the same candidate calls several times.  
They played a part in a somewhat negative experience last week.  I walked into the house to hear the phone ringing.  When I picked it up and answered, the real live person at the other end asked if I was William Love.

Well, you can imagine how that question set the tone.  The person sounded like a bored telemarketer, when, indeed, he was representing a bona fide, credible entity.  

Having already grown weary of calls from politicians and more than enough calls for causes (what happened to that 1-800-do-not-call?), I cut the poor soul off and told him William Love would not be available for his survey.

I felt bad but also thought this individual could have sounded more like an engaging human being than a robot reading a script,  and then I wondered how many other victims he had turned off during his day on the phone.  

Turns out I received a call from his supervisor, and it turns out he may have miffed a few other folks.  She apologized profusely AND she did sound like a real human being that cared.  I was impressed, to say the least. 

Anyway, today is reason for celebration---for the winners on the ballot (maybe not for the voters in some cases; we'll see).  And, to have the phone go silent for another few months will be especially nice.

Happy Election Day.  And, if you're in Idaho, go vote for the candidates of your choice. 

1 comment:

Word Tosser said...

Idaho election even got play by Jay Leno last night... he ran a speech by Ward and Obama, which Ward stole word for word.... and then Jay's punch line... Ward was ask can he get away with that? And the answer was..yes, we can, yes, we can...