Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lots to do, lots to do

I could go several directions on this lovely Sunday.  Seems like when the good weather finally comes, the time clock starts ticking.  This to do. Tick.   That to do. Tock.  And, all those other things.  Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock . . . .

I can hear it going off in my head as I think about the repair work on the box stall floors, another attempt at rotilling the garden in hopes some seeds will geminate, pulling weeds, pulling weeds, pulling grass, watering, mowing lawn, weed eating, etc., etc., etc.

We're given so much time to get so many things done before weather turns bad again.  And, this year's late start means that much more pressure and that much less time to get at it-------especially once the weather turns warmer.

I have another project, thanks to a lovely gift Bill gave me for my birthday.  My neighbor in the know down the road, Janice properly referred to it as an arbor, while I called it a trellis.  Bill put it together Friday night, and it was placed in front of the garage door for Annie and me to walk through when we arrived home from the airport.

Now, I've picked a spot out in what I call my "funky" north lawn.  And, now I'll have to plot out a space big enough to surround it and to allow room for climbing roses on either side.  To avoid problems mowing, I'll create a gravel base around it, maybe with some boards. 

It will be a lot of work, but if I do it right, the end product should be beautiful in a couple of years.

While today is basically a work day mixed with play, yesterday turned out to be total play day, and it was nice.  Annie and I ended up at Mick Duffs to watch the World Cup Soccer game.  I can see what she means about how much more fun it is with a crowd.  

The pub was filled with dozens of diehard fans, some even painted up for the occasion, and as their beer flowed, their raucous intensity as fans increased.  Annie and I sat fairly quietly and watched while enjoying lunch and quick visits with friends strolling through the place.  

Sadly USA lost, but we didn't spend much time lamenting it.  Annie headed home to meet Bill, and they took off for Schweitzer where they rode the chairlift, hiked to the top of Blue Mountain, found a geacache and headed back.  

Meanwhile, I went to a horse clinic where Laurie was taking some dressage lessons. It was fun kicking back and just enjoying the action along with lots of visiting. 

We all met last evening---Barbara, Laurie, Mother, Bill, Annie and I---at Second Avenue Pizza.  Part of that session included some fun banter with Billy Bopp and Casey Fournier, whom I've known forever.  Both are local beer stockers, and they report that the Super One Foods Store is going to be REALLY NICE.  

Second Avenue owner Carolyn joined in on the fun and later sent out a nice birthday dessert.  Thanks so much, Carolyn.  You're a sweetie, and I ate three slices of that wonderful pizza last night.  Usually I can hold myself to two, which is difficult.  But birthdays come once a year, so an extra slice can be rationalized. 

Anyway, it was a great day, and I'm looking forward to another activity-filled one today.  It might even include some visiting with Laura, Sefo and the triplets.  So, I'd better get on with the morning projects.

Happy Sunday. Tick. Tock.

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