Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday Slight

Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire (left) listens as a Girl Scout official speaks about the Gold Star Awards at the Washington Governor's Mansion this past Wednesday. On the right behind the podium is our beloved Debbie who also addressed the gathering. 

In the second photo, Debbie speaks while others listen.  We're all very proud of Debbie.  This weekend Willie and Debbie are in Boise.  Willie finished his multicultural journalism course yesterday afternoon in Moscow and drove on down to Boise.  

He said the week-long, intensive study was a wonderful experience. It included working with both the Nez Perce and the Coeur d'Alene Indian Tribes. We're anxious to hear his stories. 

A gorgeous Saturday morning it is here in North Idaho.  Bill's reading the papers downstairs while Annie is snoozing in the bedroom next door.

 Annie presented me a wonderful birthday present at the end of the day yesterday:  herself.  She had planned to stay in Seattle for the weekend but decided Thursday to spend the weekend with us. She promised that if I'm nice to her, she'll be nice to me all weekend.  Can't get any better than that.

I picked her up at the airport last night, after dining on prime rib at the Ramada Inn.  My plan had been to dine on the Costco samples in Hayden, but somehow sitting down and relaxing after a very busy day sounded better.  

So, I enjoyed a birthday meal solo, and it was kinda fun cuz I was following totally my own schedule for a few hours with no restrictions except to meet up with Annie at 8:30 p.m.

The freedom to follow one's own schedule once in a while turns into a total luxury.  Occasionally, I really enjoy driving somewhere alone, where I can listen to any music I want, turn up the volume full blast, stop wherever I wish, etc. 

Last night, I even had time to sit and update my checkbook while seated at my table by the window watching Hoopfest participants and their families unload luggage and walk into the hotel.  The big weekend of basketball starts today in downtown Spokane, while the Ironman Triathlon is in Coeur d'Alene.  Definitely a sporting bonanza for this area.

And, later this morning, we'll probably head down to our chosen restaurant/pub to watch the World Cup Soccer. 

This afternoon, I'll probably go watch Laurie at her dressage clinic with Gail Redinger.  It's an East meets West equine affair where some folks will be learning more about reining while others concentrate on dressage.

With the lawn mowed and the house fairly clean, the day offers lots of flexibility in choices.  I'm even thinking of grabbing a bunch of my lovely radishes from the garden to throw into a homemade potato salad today.

The paper says Super 1 Foods will open this coming Wednesday.  It will be fun to go explore their offerings, and from the sounds of things, they have a topnotch bakery. 

Bill will add that they have topnotch chicken too.  He's an aficionado of  hot chicken, and he's sampled just about everywhere in North Idaho, so I'd say that's a pretty good recommendation. 

Well, I guess that's enough for now.  It's a great day and definitely not one to waste.  Have a wonderful Saturday wherever you are. 

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