Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Scenes from the Saddle

The puddles tell the story. More rain yesterday.


The sun came out in late afternoon, and I wasted no time saddling up Lily.

There might be a little work to flinging that 50-60-pound saddle over her back, but the therapy derived thereafter is well worth the labor.

Lily was rarin' (only figuratively) to go, and so was I.

I took along my camera cuz, of course, early evening on the richest color days of the year offers scenes beyond words.

Lily knows the importance of a good picture, so she always stands patiently while I shoot.

What a friend!

They say that the back side of a horse is good for the inside of a human, or something like that.

Again, last night's ride down our country roads proved that.

Enjoy the photos below.

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Love this photo of the scenery and Lily's head!!!