Thursday, July 08, 2010

Barbecue Season

Schwan's, Super 1, Yoke's, Stubs, the Lovestead garden and Bill team up to delight the tastebuds when summer and the grill start to sizzle. 

Yep, there's nothing quite like the summer barbecue, and we've had two of them in the past week.
Bill brought out the Schwan's shrimp skewers for last night's feast.

They added a nice accessory to the basic hamburger garnished with fresh garden lettuce, tomato, dill pickles, Best Foods mayonnaise and sharp cheddar, store-bought tater and macaroni salad, and, of course, chips. 

Mother couldn't eat her whole hamburger so it went home in a baggie.

We all ate every last bite of the French silk Cyrus O'Leary pie, always served when the stomachs have had time to process the main course.

When barbecue time hits, Bill takes the lead in preparing our eats, while I do the side stuff.  And, as the garden continues to yield its goodies, I have a feeling those hamburgers are gonna get better and better as the summer rolls on.

New potatoes soon and maybe a few spinach burgers will add a nice touch to the dinners.  

I have a feeling those shrimp skewers will be on Bill's next Schwan's list too because they disappear quickly.

Ah, summer.  Ah sun. Ah, evening shade.  Ah, seasonal savory delights!

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