Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday Slight

Warm night, warm morning, and it's gonna be a sizzling hot day.  I'll be taking off soon for the fairgrounds for the Spots of Fun Horse Show.  I'll take along  plenty of ice and some hornet spray.  

Even though it will be hot and miserable, I'll still enjoy the show.  Moreen Leen always rounds up her army of helpers and puts on a fun event for horse lovers each year.  I see by one of my morning emails that she has enlisted her hubby Kenny to help her with secretarial duties and the obstacle stuff for jumping classes, etc.

Barbara and Laurie are bringing in three of their horses for this morning's halter competition.  Then, they'll be heading home to get some washing done for tomorrow's Western classes. 

Barbara will ride Dusty in several classes while Laurie has Lily scheduled for five classes.  Let's hope Lily decides to behave for at least half of them.  If not, spectators can count on some of her mild but irritating rodeo action.

At the end of each day, I can look forward to taking a refreshing swim in Big Blue.  Tried that pool out last night, and it felt mighty good.  Only problem was that Willie and Debbie's dog Brooke tried it too.  I had left the pool and reached the house when I turned around in time to see a Border Collie head circling around the pool.

Shortly afterward,  she jumped out.  She's been checking it out ever since, so something may have started.  As long as the pool remains standing, Brooke is going to be okay.  Willie and Debbie have their doubts on whether she'll continue jumping in cuz they say she just likes to sit in the water, not swim in it.  We'll see.

As of yesterday, we're down to two horses at the Lovestead.  Miss Heather was a real trooper about riding in the trailer alone for the first time in her life.  Her ride to Roxane's lasted only about five minutes.

Last time I saw her yesterday, one of Roxane's four Australian Shepherds was herding her around the pen.  She seemed to adjust to the new surroundings and the dog pretty quickly.  I can't wait to see what she looks like with a person riding her, which could be in just a few days.

Anyway, it will be a horsey weekend and lots of fun seeing the local and out-of-town regulars who saddle up and do their best to win a ribbon or two.  

I've got some morning watering to do, so I'll call this good and head on outside.  Happy Saturday to all, and if you're in town, drive on out to the fairgrounds and check out the horse show.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marianne - sounds like you need to get your dogs a "mini pool".