I don't care if it's called a Fiesta.
I know it will be fun, and that it will offer something for virtually everyone.
That's how the Bonner County Fair always has been, and that's how it will continue to be.
I picked up my fair book at the fair horse show the other day, and the cover immediately took my eye.
This morning I looked a little closer and saw that my friend Bonnie Shields, the Tennessee Mule Artist, created the artwork.
Just talked to Bonnie yesterday. She and I are going to collaborate on a children's book over the next several months.
She'll paint. I'll write.
Knowing Bonnie, I think this project is gonna be a blast----just like this year's fair.
And, with all the nationwide hoopla this year's fair theme has already gotten, I'm thinkin' there ought to be more interest than ever in what's going on.
I can assure you that it won't all happen at the political booths.
And, if you're a local and pick up a fair book, you'll see what I mean.
Our "podunk" fair (that's a nice word for it compared to what some snooty East Coast blogger used in a recent posting) continues to expand and continues to embrace the interests of a wide array of folks wanting to strut their stuff or maybe just wanting to win a ribbon.
There's the canning, the quilting, the chickens, the lop-eared rabbits, the big fat beef steers, the home brewskies, the small crafts and big crafts, the hay flakes, the funtastic fotos----all that stuff that you'd expect at a fair.
There's more. This morning I opened a page devoted to education programs.
Students in local schools have already been made aware of the creative writing program at the fair. Of course, I'd mention that cuz I gonna judge this segment.
Seven different possibilities exist for young writers to get their juices going, i.e., super heroes and their powers, talking pets, new planets, new countries and their cultures, directing their own movie, poems, and of course, the favorite category: other.
The part that scares me about this category is that they're offering a CASH prize for the school that submits the most entries. Does this mean I have to work harder this year?
There's a Steer toward Art program to encourage students, community members and 4-H clubs to use different art media to integrate culture, math, history and agriculture onto a wooden cut-out steer. The book states that steers will be displayed at the fair and judged by the Bonner/Boundary County Cattle Association. They're giving $50 for grand prize in this one, and if you haven't picked up your steer from the fair office, you've missed the Aug. 1 deadline.
New this year is the Blue Ribbon Kids experience, aimed at youth in Bonner County. They can watch action and be part of special kids' activities from Wednesday through Saturday.
Junior Farmers can design posters or displays promoting farming.
And, anyone can participate in the Ag-Venture Passport Educational Program. It's designed to get participants to visit the entire fairgrounds. After filling out paperwork at the fair office, all entrants get a passport.
In this program, a map of the fairgrounds will be included for participants to locate ten stations. At each station, they learn about agriculture and receive a stamp. Upon completion of all 10 stations, entrants stop in at the fair office, show their completed passports and register for the drawing, which the book states is a GREAT PRIZE.
And, then there's the meat of the fair. Visit the cattle barn and write the letter for the name that matches the cut of meat displayed on a poster. Fill out the bottom of the form and drop off at the fair office. Several prizes, including a gift certificate at Wood's Meat Processing.
And, that's just one page of possible activities for folks to consider while visiting this year's fair. The complete book has 151 pages so I think I'd be safe in saying there's plenty to do at this annual event.
Fair books are available at farm stores and the Bonner County Fair Office---probably at the Chamber and at several other locations.
So, regardless of what you hear about the flap concerning whether it's a fiesta or a celebration, it's all a good time for everyone involved.
My take on the fiesta squabble is that if the Republicans would just give away elephant ears instead complaining about this year's theme, they could have the most popular booth at the fair. Plus, their candidates could possibly pick up a few more votes cuz people love their elephant ears!
As far as that mule having a good time on Bonnie's "Fiesta" image, I'm thinking maybe that's what caused all the flap in the first place.
How exciting...a children's book?! The Fiesta sounds like great fun. It's just a good thing you live in Idaho and not Arizona. Puz
Bonner County Fair is one of a few fairs that are for the family and really for the kids. Most fairs now days are half carnival, where people have to spend their money on trinkets... or for rides..
While the Shriner some times have a ride...but 90% for adults as well as kids, it is pure fun with animals and a like.
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