Sunday, September 12, 2010

Of Little Oinkers and September Sundays

I could not resist pilfering Annie's photo from her most recent Facebook posting.  These are Kansas State Fair piglets, and they're certainly in a blissful state.

Throughout the weekend, Annie has been posting State Fair pictures on her FB wall, including goats, Belgians, a crowing rooster,  ferris wheels and concert scenes.

I think she must be having a good time.  She has posted some photos of the Verizon booth where she's helping people figure out the geocaching feature on the droid phone.

We're finally experiencing a bit more typical September morning---sun's out, dew on the grass from a cold night and crisp morning air.  Nothing froze in the gardens last night, so I'm happy about that.  

Every day that the beans stay alive is a good day.  So far, I've frozen just half a dozen baggies of green beans in comparison to the 40-50 from past years.  The manure-pile garden has two rows of beans with blossoms, and I'm praying they'll have a chance to mature.

We had baked potatoes the other night---from the garden.  And, I must say that this year's spuds have been far superior to those of past years.  Last year's crop was basically marbles with a few tennis ball-sized potatoes, but I've robbed a few monsters from the plants already, and they're tasty to boot.

In the Lovestead horse department, I'm thinking Lefty's bad behavior the other night when he took me for a ride on the saddle horn may have been an anomaly.  I hauled Heather and Lefty over to my sisters' yesterday.  While I worked with Heather, Laurie saddled, lunged and rode Lefty---without so much as a hint of bad manners.

We all agree that the lightning storm and maybe some discomfort of some sort may have been the culprits.  I was so disheartened that night to see my little angel act like such a devil.  He's always been the epitome of cooperation, and yesterday he continued that role.  

Laurie was quite pleased with her ride.  She said she's never put a horse into a jog on the first ride, but Lefty was happy to comply with anything she asked.  Heather was good too, especially for her first time in a strange indoor arena.  I came home from Colburn much happier about the horses.  

Looks like we made it through another September 11th without any major incidents.  I tend to agree with yesterday's editorial in the Spokesman, suggesting that once again the need to fill a 24-7 news cycle fueled all  the publicity about the Quran-burning pastor from Florida.

One wonders just how much out-of-control rhetoric is responsible for the majority of the conflict and hatred we see in today's world. If people would just think before they spew, I'm betting we'd be feeling just as peaceful as those little piglets in Annie's photo.

I propose a worldwide "Keep Your Mouth Shut" day, just to see if we could experience a temporary tangible calm. Bet we would.

On this beautiful September morning from the quiet peacefulness of the Selle Valley, I wish you all a great day.

1 comment:

justin said...

Hey Marianne - I thought you might enjoy this site, as it's how I found this post. Very interesting.

-justin landis