Friday, December 03, 2010

Frosty Friday

One of my many shots, taken out the sliding-glass door on the west side of our house. 

This morning the clouds come in, the clouds go out.  Occasionally, some pretty patches of sunlight show up on Schweitzer Mountain.

I listened to the morning ski report while cleaning stalls, and it sounds like they're pretty stoked up there at the resort after all the snow over the past several days.  Looks like Schweitzer will be off to a good season.  

It's cold and crisp this morning.  A closer look at the photo above reveals a few things about winter's progress here.  For example, the board fence has three levels.  It may be spring before we see the bottom board again.

The board fence extending westward to the right of the photo makes me nervous again this year.  We planned that fenceline  too close to the shop.  In the summer time, while building fence, you don't think too much about snow falling from roofs.

Well, this stretch is quite a ways from the roof, but the height of the building causes snow to land (hard) a lot further away than one would think.  

We rebuilt part of the board fence after the first winter with the new shop.  Heavy snow did a number on it.

Also, in the background, note the shelter sheds.  Looks like that snow will hang there halfway off and halfway on until it warms up again, and that's not likely until maybe sometime next week.  We'll be in the teens over the weekend. 

This frosty Friday promises to be a beauty.  I went snow shoeing with the dogs yesterday and got a real workout trudging new trails through wet, heavy and deep snow.

Today should be a different story.  I'm hoping to be able to walk right over the top of it all with my snow shoes. 


If you missed yesterday's posting, I encourage you to check it out.  Dr. Cathy King's World Vets currently stand in first place for their chance to win $25,000 for a special project.  

All the needed information is there, and I'll again encourage readers to vote and to pass the word to others who may want to support this wonderful cause.  Again, the website for World Vets provides great information and photos of what the organization does around the world---except Antarctica, that is. 

Thanks for whatever support you can lend to this worthy project.


On this beautiful morning, I'll call it a day here at the blog and wish you all a wonderful Friday.

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