It's December, and the snow is still delightful.
Yes, we've been shoveling and plowing, but early winter, especially with pretty snow, has a magical feel to it.
Those ever-growing icicles hanging from the eaves and once green tree limbs seemingly sugar-coated----always pretty just after the snow stops falling.
And, this was the scene with the front yard manure spreader just a few minutes ago.
Bill was up early plowing, and that was after I plowed during the late afternoon yesterday.
The snow did not stop school this time, nor did it cause the last night's basketball games to be cancelled.
So, we all gathered at the high school gymnasium at different times to watch "Big Man" or "Dr. Love" coach his first-ever game.
I walked in during the freshman game. That team is coached by a student who sat in my last English class ever. And, what a nice person Travis Mire was then and continues to be.
Travis is a family member of the local burger dynasty, only he serves Blimpies at his restaurant adjoining Wal-Mart.
His dad Joe owns Serv-a-Burger, while his Uncle Marty owns Dubs.
Of course, the Mire family was there to watch Travis coach his first game which ended in a sizeable victory.
Debbie arrived in time for the Coach Love's JV's to start their season. Bill showed up from a Coeur d'Alene meeting in time for most of the second half.
While watching the game, we relied on Becky Hawkins' cell phone with the lovely Vandal case to keep us tuned in to the ZAGS game.
I learned after the game that Willie earned a technical his first night out. No yelling at refs or throwing chairs---instead an incorrect player number on the roster.
I'm sure attention to detail will be foremost in Willie's mind from now on----just as the fact that his first ever game as a coach ended in a 59-38 victory.
As we left the gym to hurry home to watch the rest of the ZAGS game, Annie called Debbie on her cell phone. We stood in the high school parking lot as snow continued to drop and listened to Annie talk about her first-ever purchase of an automobile.
She had completed the deal just as the final buzzer for Willie's first-ever game sounded.
A nice convergence of events for the kids.
Annie's car is " a 2003 Passat, only one owner and in great shape. I did add on a 4 year, 60,000 mile warranty and because I did they gave me a 4.9% interest rate. So I think I got a pretty good deal. It'll be ready to pick up on Friday this week. I'm pretty excited about it."
And, we're excited for her. It was kinda neat that while she was telling us about her new car on the speaker phone, one of her former bosses, Jalapeno's owner Chet French, walked by.
Car talk stopped briefly while Chet said hello to Annie.
I'm sure Willie and Annie are both going to remember very vividly the events of Nov. 30, 2010, and always with a smiles on their faces.
Debbie, Bill and I will also, and to say we're all very proud of both of them---definitely an understatement.
Oh yeah, Tyler Haines' Bulldog varsity squad and our beloved ZAGS won big too.
Twas a good way to end the month. Check photos below.
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