Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday Twitterdeeflakes

~~~  'Snow End to It ~~~

I saw and heard of several weather forecasts, suggesting a dry week.

What's going on this winter, anyway?

I do know that snow has continued to fall abundantly in spite of what we hear.

It's pretty out there this morning with four new, unexpected inches.

I was telling Bill this morning that so far this winter has been pretty bearable because of the variety.

For some reason we've skipped the usual North Idaho weather, where whatever we have, there's a LOT of it.  

Variety is the spice of life when it comes to having just days of gray, gloomy weather interspersed with gorgeous sunshine.


Today is Girl Scout Day in Sandpoint---on the leadership front, that is.

Debbie will be here soon to drop off the dogs and to taxi Bill into town for a Idaho State Forestry contest meeting. 

It will be his first outing since his foot surgery, and I think he's anxious to get out of the house.

I can still report that he's been a "model patient."  

Bill will find a ride home because I'll be going in to town a little later for the Girl Scout Leadership Luncheon at Panhandle State Bank's Tango Cafe.

Last night Debbie said almost 100 people have signed up for the free luncheon which promotes the Girl Scout programs in the area. 

Folks from the Spokane office are coming too, so it's a big day for Debbie.


Speaking of big news, I don't have all the details yet, but I've seen the proof of the pudding:  

This week, former Army Sergeant Brandon Adams from Sandpoint is competing in the Mono Skier X division of this year's Winter X Games in Aspen, Colo.

Brandon, who lost both legs from an explosion while serving in Iraq in 2007, will be competing Sunday.  

ESPN will be covering the action.  I was pleasantly surprised last night to find a comment on an earlier blog posting about Brandon (Nov. 11) written by an ESPN researcher.  

The individual was gathering information for TV programming of the event. 

Brandon said he'd send me all the details, but from what I gather he'll be competing on Sunday. 

I'm sure that the ESPN commentators will find his story as inspiring as all of us who have had the good fortune to know him and follow his story of courage and his relentless positive attitude. 

Go Brandon!  He'll be joining Sandpoint's Olympian Nate Holland who has competed and won several times in the X Games.


With all that new snow, I've got some shoveling to do along with some gussying up to go to that luncheon, so I'll just wish everyone a happy Tuesday. 

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