Thursday, February 17, 2011

Joys of Jeralyn, Kari,

I could call it K & J Day.

We have those every now and then. 

We've been having them ever since Kari and Jeralyn both returned to Sandpoint after being "out there" in the world.
Let's just say they were pretty darned successful at their life-after Sandpoint pursuits too.

And, now that they've come home, both are making a positive difference in our community. 

Kari, by the way, is wearing the red-and-white shirt in the front row, while Jeralyn is keeping those young men in line in the back row.

Jeralyn served as Monticola editor in 1981-82, while Kari served the following year.

These were special times for both the students and me.

When they were in high school, we could still go on wild adventures, such as hikes into Upper Priest Lake or to the mountaintops in the Cabinets.

Almost everyone carried a camera strapped around their neck, and hundreds of fabulous images probably occupy many of these students' photography collections.

I could write a book about these kids, each of them.  I loved them all and still do my best to keep track of them.

Like so many of the extracurricular groups over the years, these kids were like an extended family for Bill and me and later, for Willie and Annie.

All I need do is mention one of their names,  and ears within our immediate family perk up with respect and interest.  

By the way, my little brother is in this picture too.  

Which one is he?

So, it wasn't just extended family in those days.  My two sisters served on the Monticola staff during their high school years.

Now, one of my sisters advises the SHS yearbook, and at least one of these former Monticola staffer's children serves on Barbara's staff. 

That's how it is with teaching in a small town.  The circles go on and the warmth continues. 

Anyway, a big salute to any of these folks who see their photo on Slight Detour or on Facebook today.  

And, when they do, I'm sure some good memories will light up in their minds and get shared.   Right, Brian?

Kari, Jeralyn and I may do some reflecting over lunch today, but we'll also talk about our lives and what our families are doing and maybe a little school talk.

After all, Jeralyn is an SHS counselor (and an SHS mother of students)  and Kari puts in endless hours as a Super-Mom volunteer for several school groups. 

I'm looking forward to our get-together and will, no doubt, come away thrilled with my decision so long ago to "teach the children."  

Contrary to what we might read in the paper by naysayers attacking our profession, we do make a positive difference in our world.

Evidence of it is walking around virtually anywhere one looks. 

Enough politicking.  Happy Thursday.

1 comment:

Kari S said...

Whoo hooo! Made me almost tear up - really!!!! Great writings, Marianne, and what a great lunch! We were so busy talking I forgot to tell you about my new venture. Darn...guess we'll have to have lunch again soon!