Friday, February 11, 2011

On the Road Again

Just can't wait to . . .

Yup, going down some country road just to see what's going on, is one of my daily staples.

Yesterday, I decided to return to one of my favorites: Woodside Road.

This photo shows the north half of it.

Far off in the distance on the left, Leonard and Naomi's cattle were having their afternoon meal.

I walked beyond that last power pole and then turned around and walked south for about a mile.

The road was bare on the south half, but the wind was furious.

So, I had a choice of slipping and sliding or wiping wind-induced tears from my eyes.

It worked out okay, and I thoroughly enjoyed the walk.

My thoughts drifted to about a month from now when Leonard's calves will be romping around the fields and when hundreds of deer come back from their winter homes near Sunnyside.

Birds will be fluttering about, landing for short moments fence-post tops.

Grass will be growing and spring breezes will be much more welcoming.

Along with that, though, come the big Woods Crushing and Hauling trucks, making several trips back and forth down the road, hauling various forms of rock and gravel to destinations around the area.

That's when it's not wise to walk or ride a bike down the road during work hours, but the days do get longer and evening bike rides through this area are the best.

Compared to spring, summer and fall, the dead of winter on Woodside Road does not offer a lot in the way of photography.

Nonetheless, I snapped a few photos.

See below. 

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