Friday, March 04, 2011

Dog tired in Ireland

Four-five hours of sleep in two nights; clothes that have been on for two days.  I can't wait to get in a bathtub and then into a bed.  

So, this will be short.  Sometime tomorrow, I hope to have some more photos posted on this blog and on the Ireland blog. I posted a few from today on the latter.  So, check it out:

We're working at a disadvantage because the promised free wi-fi in our Killarney Holiday Inn hotel room did not materialize, so I'm in the lobby, hurrying.

So far, so good, SO expensive.  I'm not surprised by this, but we don't know how lucky we have it in North Idaho.  EVERYTHING costs something and usually a lot of somethings.  

Still, we're having a great time, in spite of being so tired.  Today it was kissing the Blarney Stone and enjoying the beautiful 1,700-acre estate around Blarney Castle.  We spent a lot of time at the Rock of Cashill, where good ol' St. Patrick, patron saint of Ireland, hung out.  Again, breath-taking. 

We shopped at a busy grocery store in one of the many, adorable small towns.  In Ireland, downtown is still downtown for the locals. 

Lots of little ol' ladies with their shopping carts making their way through the aisles of the grocery store and doing lots of visiting along the way.  I loved it.

I'll have several more photos posted when time allows.  Have a lot from today and will probably post them tomorrow sometime.  For now, it's head for the bath tub and then a comfortable bed. 

We've got to be up and on our way by 8 a.m. to get to the horseback-riding place where "Mikey" will take us for a 3.5 hour ride.  Should be a blast, as long as I stay on my horse. 

They say the horses average 16 hands, and they're  combination of Irish warmblood and other stuff and NOT TOO SPIRITED.  Sounds fine to me.

More later.  As the Irish say, this trip so far is BRILLIANT! 

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