Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Another Lovely Day in the Neighborhood

Yesterday we got together with Mother for a barbecue for the first day of summer.

Good food, good music and good visiting.

That's Laurie, Bill, Mother, Barbara and me.

Looks like lots of good barbecue weather this week, so I'll be pulling out the hamburger for today's version soon.

With summer here and with most of my major projects for summer under control, I'll be tackling one more big one today.

Big Blue.

I see that my friend and classmate Ruthann has her Big Blue up and running down the road a ways.

Haven't seen Claire Hansen's or the Wells or all the others that suddenly appeared last year out here in Selle Valley.

So, maybe I'll be ahead of the game.

I left Big Blue out for the winter, so there's some cleaning to do.

Temps are supposed to be in the mid-80s today, making the project pretty inviting.

If all goes well, Big Blue will be just about full by tonight or sometime tomorrow.

There'll definitely be a spike in the water bill.

Besides the sun, this week promises some fun with Annie and a friend coming from Seattle later.

That means house cleaning---both this house and the new old motorhome, which serves as visitors' quarters at the Lovestead.

Bill has the water hooked up, so the RV will be ready for occupancy.

We enjoyed a nice bike ride last night on the same route I followed with Lily the night before.

Stilt Man Dave was walking down the road but not on stilts. He was planning to get back up and do some more practicing.

I also learned from Emily, the master gardener, that there is organic SLUG bait down at the Co-Op.

Since the slugs are feasting happily on everyone's gardens this year, I'm sure the supply will be diminishing quickly.

So, I'll go purchase some today, rather than pulling out the slugs or brewing up pots of coffee to pour around all my plants, as suggested by others.

In short, life this week can be summed up as a summer potpourri, and I'm liking it.

Happy Wednesday. 


Raine Lightner said...

Forget my name already?

MLove said...

Well, I was trying to protect you from an invasion of the outside world, once they spotted YOUR name on my blog. Paparazzi, the media---everyone would be knocking on your front door or following you all the way from Seattle to Sandpoint.

I figured you'd like a relatively peaceful weekend, considering all the other activities planned.

So, Friend Raine, there you go AND if I told everyone Raine was coming they'd start booing cuz they're loving the sun! :)

Raine Lightner said...

Ha.. I see what you did there..

Anonymous said...

I totally solved our slug problem by spraying them with a solution of half ammonia and half water. We now have almost none. There is a catch - you need to go out at night to spray them, which means you have to stay awake past 9.